Post 21/23
There has been widespread condemnation of the NFL players that kneel during the playing of the National Anthem. This controversy has been kept alive because President Trump has weighed in on it with several incendiary tweets calling for the NFL to take disciplinary action against the players that protest. Now if you read my last post on 9/18/17, you will see that I defended Trump after he was criticized harshly by many for his responses to the violence in Charlottesville. In the matter of this National Anthem controversy, he is wrong for getting involved. This is not a matter of national security or one that could cause widespread violence in our nation like Charlottesville. It is mandatory for presidents to weigh in on situations like those in order to bring calm and to try and preserve order. This controversy is best resolved by the powers that be in the NFL and capitalism.
The notion that NFL players that kneel during the playing of the National Anthem are being disrespectful of the flag and our military might have some credibility. However, the right of the players to protest is protected by the Constitution, being that it is so far permissible by the NFL. Just as I noted in my post regarding the incident with the white supremacists in Charlottesville, there is a right to freedom of speech and expression, even if it is offensive. Granted the flag is an important symbol of our great nation, but our nation exists because of our Constitution which provides for our representative form of government and the all important Bill of Rights. The Constitution and the freedoms we enjoy because of it is what our brave military has fought for throughout history.
Rather than waste time and energy fighting with NFL players over the National Anthem controversy, President Trump should be focused on keeping his campaign promise to "drain the swamp", by calling out corrupt government officials that violate their oath of office and the Constitution. Corrupt government officials like San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and the San Jose City Council who are in collusion with the US District Court in San Jose and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to obstruct justice in two lawsuits I filed against the City for civil rights violations are far worse than NFL players exercising their right to protest. The flagrant disregard of government officials for our Constitution not only disrespects our country and our military, but everything that makes this the greatest nation on earth. The details of the collusion between San Jose city officials and the federal courts are in several of my prior posts.