Monday, October 24, 2016

About Donald Trump's Claim That The Election Is Rigged

Post 10/23

In today's post, I'm going to do something different and focus on the presidential election. Much talk has been made about Donald Trump's claim that the election is rigged. Here's my take on this matter. I'm not sure if it's rigged or not. But based on my experience with government based on this cheating scandal I'm exposing, I believe our government is corrupt and, in concert with the media, is capable of anything. Not almost anything, but anything; and that's at the local, state and federal level. For me it's not a matter of whether the presidential election is rigged or not. What troubles me is that the processes of government are corrupt and rigged against regular citizens like you and me. It is absolutely shocking the number of government officials in this country that have no integrity or a conscience and will do anything they are asked to do, including committing criminal acts. It's true folks! I have experienced this firsthand. At the end of this post, I will list some links for you to check out.

Folks, the one thing we should learn very quickly is that our government officials do not give a dam about us or our rights guaranteed by the Constitution. If you think you have any rights, wait until you come into a conflict with the government like I have. I do not like bringing up the past, but in order to get a perspective as to how bad things are in this country today, I'm compelled to look back to some of the dark days in our nation's history. As I stated in a prior post, I'm black and I grew up in the South during Jim Crow. None of those Confederate Flag waving segregationist government officials I encountered treated me with with the total lack of respect and dignity as did the current San Jose mayor (Sam Liccardo), the City Council and the federal courts, during the litigation of my lawsuit against the City for civil rights violations. I will address the conduct of these officials in future posts and I will not pull any punches. My first target will be US District Judge Ronald M. Whyte who presided over my lawsuit. Judge Whyte committed acts worthy of impeachment. He has been allowed to go into retirement without being held accountable.An absolute disgrace!

Back to the issue of the presidential election, it is no secret that both candidates have serious character flaws and in my opinion are not worthy to hold the office of POTUS. I will not vote for either candidate. For me it's not a matter of which one is the lesser of two evils. In my opinion, these two evils are equal. One candidate, Hillary Clinton, appears to have placed herself above the law. The other candidate, Donald Trump, seems to be totally unhinged. However, the character flaws of these two candidates are not the primary reason I will not be voting in this election or future elections for that matter. I will not be voting in this election or any election in the foreseeable future because I believe widespread public corruption has deprived government of its credibility or legitimacy. Government has no credibility when elected and appointed officials have no respect for citizens or the Constitution which is our rule of law. I have absolutely nothing planned for election day except to not go out and vote. That is how disgusted I am with our government.
Here are the links I promised: