Post 30
I am sick and tired of elected officials in this country that care more for citizens of other countries than they do for American citizens. Just recently, Senator John McCain got all hot and bothered because President Trump called President Putin and congratulated him on winning re-election. Senator McCain called Mr. Putin a dictator and stated that the Russian presidential election was a "sham." Senator McCain was quick to stand up for Russian citizens saying that president Trump had insulted them by his congratulatory call to President Putin because Russian citizens had been denied the right to vote in a free and fair election. While Senator McCain has been quick to call the Russian presidential election a sham and that the Russian people were shortchanged as a result, he will not stick up for me or other American citizens that have been the victim of sham proceedings by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and several district courts within the circuit. Many of the appellate and district court judges within the Ninth Circuit make rulings that are inconsistent with the Constitution, federal statutes and binding precedent. As deplorable as that may be, even more deplorable is that several cases are decided by court officials such as staff attorneys and court clerks based on fake rulings where docket entries are falsified, phony hearings are held and false documents are created in order to facilitate their bogus rulings. It is true folks. Federal court officials are accountable to no one since Congress lacks the courage to exercise any oversight over them as is mandated by the Constitution. These federal court officials are the real dictators and enemies of our constitutional democracy.
This is by no means the only time Senator McCain has stuck up for non-Americans. He has been a vocal critic of President Trump's immigration policies that call for stricter enforcement of immigration laws and a temporary travel ban on persons coming from nations associated with terrorism. I do not doubt that Senator McCain's intentions are noble. But it is insulting that Senator McCain has shown so much concern for citizens of other countries while refusing to respond to my letter requesting an investigation into several sham proceedings in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. District Court relative to two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose.
Senator McCain is not the only politician at the national level that has stood up for non-Americans while totally ignoring Americans that have been deprived of their rights by government officials. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Kamala Harris and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren from California, my home state, are big supporters of rights for undocumented immigrants. All three support the policies of the the State of California and
several cities within the state that provide sanctuary for undocumented
immigrants. All three opposed the President's temporary travel ban. Senator Harris went so far as to say she would do everything in her power to see that DACA recipients received legal status. While these officials are willing to go to great lenghts to grant rights and privileges to undocumented
immigrants and refugees that are not American citizens, they have done absolutely nothing in response to my basic rights being violated by officials with the City of San Jose, the US District Court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. San Jose city officials and officials with the federal courts just noted committed several crimes related to public corruption. A simple referral to the House Judiciary Committee, the FBI and DOJ would have been appropriate. But Senator McCain, Senator Feinstein, Senator Harris and Congresswoman Lofgren refused to take any action whatsoever because the rights of Americans are less important to them than the rights of non-Americans. All of this support for non-Americans and criticism of President Trump is all about politics. It is so sad that these politicians care more about bashing the President than they do about protecting the constitutional rights of Americans.