Post 50
Now that the investigation into possible Trump-Russia collusion during the past presidential election is over, the FBI should now focus on the investigation of cases of collusion and obstruction of justice by government officials that are not motivated by politics. I'm referring to cases where government officials' conduct is so egregious that it shows a wilful and wanton disregard for the truth and the rule of law. I have presented evidence of such a case to the FBI and the Department of Justice for investigation on several different occasions. No investigation has been initiated. The case I am referring to involves a conspiracy between San Jose city officials, my former attorney, and several federal court officials to obstruct justice during lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose for racial and disability discrimination. I am black/African American. Many of the details of this case have been discussed in some of my prior posts. See my posts on August 23, 2015 and July 31, 2017. The conduct of the involved officials is so reprehensible that some of the details are worth repeating. During litigation in my lawsuits several felonies were committed by my attorney, attorneys for the City of San Jose and several court officials that include judges. Among the crimes these officials committed were conspiracy to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice, perjury and subornation of perjury, bribery and fraud. Details of some of the crimes they committed include falsifying court records, staging a fake hearing on a motion I filed, fabricating a phony transcript and civil minutes for that hearing and fraudulently dismissing an individual defendant from my lawsuit without my knowledge and authorization. Additionally the district court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals entered judgments in my lawsuit that violate statutory law and binding precedent. The judgments are clearly void judgments, but the courts refuse to vacate them. What makes this even more sickening is that all of these officials are officers of the court and the purpose of their misconduct was to hide the bigotry and racism of San Jose city officials directed at me.This is all true. But neither the truth nor the law seem to matter in the Ninth Circuit. Officials involved are either current or former high ranking officials in the City of San Jose and the Ninth Circuit. These officials include San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, former mayor Chuck Reed, San Jose City Attorney Richard Doyle, retired US District Judge Ronald M. Whyte, US Magistrate Judge Nathanael Cousins, retired Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals former Chief Judge Alex Kozinski and current Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas. This scandal is bigger than the college admissions scandal, the Jussie Smollett scandal, the scandal involving the FBI and DOJ relative to the investigation of the Trump campaign, and the Trump-Russia collusion scandal. It is one of the biggest abuses of power and corruption cases in quite some time.
It is reasonable to say that we now have the weakest, most corrupt and ineffective leaders in Congress in the entire history of our once great nation. They have no courage or integrity when it comes to exercising oversight over the rogue and completely out of control Ninth Circuit, as is mandated by the Constitution. It is true folks. Over the past several years, I have made formal complaints with individual members of Congress and the House and Senate Judiciary Committees against the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court in San Jose. I received only one pathetic response from Senator Dianne Feinstein essentially stating that she had no guts to do anything. At least she had the integrity to respond. Other current members of Congress I sent letters to, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Chuck Grassley, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren did not extend me the courtesy of a response.
The Democrats are so quick to exercise oversight of President Trump with endless investigations into all aspects of his life without any suspicion of wrongdoing. Yet, they fail to take any action on indisputable facts and evidence I presented to them that officials within the Ninth Circuit conspired with San Jose city officials to commit several felonies during litigation of my lawsuits against the City. By no means do Democrats have the market cornered on weakness and cowardice when it comes to exercising oversight over the Judicial Branch. The Republicans are just as guilty, notwithstanding their phony claim to be so in love with the Constitution and the rule of law.
Don't be fooled. The Democrats and Republicans are more alike than they are different. All of the phony policy differences are just a game. They are all about obtaining and retaining power. They are all elites who have very little respect for the little people like you and me. When it comes to corruption and criminal misconduct in the courts, the Democrats and Republicans are on the same page. It's hands off. And you can take that to the bank. Because Congress has abdicated its oversight responsibility in regards to the federal courts, the Judicial Branch now has hegemony over the Executive and Legislative branches. That is the reason for the brutal fights over judicial appointees, a la Brett Kavanaugh.
At the time I made my complaints with the FBI and DOJ, William Barr was not the Attorney General. It is my hope that Mr. Barr will have the integrity and the courage to focus on the collusion and obstruction of justice that occurred with my case in the Ninth Circuit; and that he will hold these officials accountable for their criminal misconduct that violated the public's trust and caused lasting harm to the judiciary. Clearly, the members of Congress I contacted are engaged in a cover-up. More details on this scandal can be found at: