Thursday, September 3, 2020

Pelosi Has Ethical Issues Bigger Than The Hair Salon Scandal

 Post 67 - September 3, 2020

A few days ago Speaker Pelosi was caught on video at a hair salon in San Francisco getting her hair done without wearing a mask. That hair salon, along with others, has been closed since March due to a city ordinance. Rightfully, there are many that are outraged by the blatant hypocrisy of the Speaker based on her prior criticism of those not wearing masks due to COVID-19, and her support for closing businesses due to the pandemic. 

This scandal with the hair salon shows that Pelosi has issues with ethics. But her ethical problems are much bigger than this hair salon scandal. Here is a copy of a complaint I filed against Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Jerrold Nadler with the Office of Congressional Ethics for their role in covering up a racist case-fixing scandal involving the City of San Jose and its mayor Sam Liccardo, the US District Court, and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The complaint is still pending.

Frederick Bates
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August 12, 2019

Office of Congressional Ethics
U.S. House of Representatives
P.O. Box 895
Washington, DC 20515-0895

Re: Ethics Violations by Members of the House of Representatives

Dear Members of the Office of Congressional Ethics:

            I respectfully request that your office conduct an investigation into ethics violations and criminal misconduct by the following Members of the House of Representatives and/or their staffs: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerrold Nadler, and Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff. I am alleging that Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Nadler, Chairman Schiff, and/or members of their staffs are engaged in a cover-up of racism and criminal misconduct by San Jose city officials, officials with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California – San Jose Division and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that occurred during litigation of two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose for racial and disability discrimination. I am black/African American. Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Nadler, and Chairman Schiff failed to take action on letters I submitted to each detailing the racist and criminal acts perpetrated by San Jose city officials and officials with the U.S. District Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The criminal misconduct by San Jose city officials and the courts include bribery, conspiracy to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice, subornation of perjury and perjury, fraud, and witness tampering. These criminal acts involve creating a false document relative to a fraudulent stipulation of dismissal, falsifying court records, staging a phony hearing on a motion I filed and creating a fraudulent transcript and civil minutes for that hearing that contradict each other. Furthermore, the rulings of the courts in each of my lawsuits are biased in favor of the City of San Jose and they are wholly inconsistent with the indisputable facts and well established law.
            On the website of the Office of Congressional Ethics, it states that the Office of Congressional Ethics of the House of Representatives is an independent, non-partisan entity charged with reviewing allegations of misconduct against Members, officers, and staff. It is sufficiently clear that this matter is within the jurisdiction of the Office of Congressional Ethics. It is also well established that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The definition of redress by Merriam-Webster is to set right or remedy an unjust or unfair situation.
            It is important to note that there are no pending actions in court relative to my two lawsuits because the courts have entered their final judgments. Nothing precludes Congress from conducting investigations into my allegations against the courts based on Congress’ constitutional authority/obligation to provide oversight. It is important to keep in mind that my allegations against the courts and the City of San Jose involve very serious criminal
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misconduct. In order to support my allegations of criminal misconduct by San Jose city officials and the courts are two attachments in pdf format on a flash drive that’s included in this packet. One attachment contain copies of a letter and documents sent to Inspector General Michael Horowitz alleging that former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and F.B.I. Director Christopher Wray, along with several other officials in the Department of Justice and F.B.I. are engaged in a cover-up of the criminal misconduct of San Jose city officials and federal court officials. The other attachment contains copies of a letter and documents I sent to Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that is undeniable proof that the judgments in my two lawsuits against the City of San Jose are based on fraud; and that they are in violation of the Constitution and well established precedent and statutory law. The judgments are by law null and void. Yet, the courts refuse to vacate them. Also on the flash drive are copies of the complaint letters I sent to Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Nadler, and Chairman Schiff; along with copies of complaint letters I sent to Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Chuck Grassley, Senator Kamala Harris, Attorney General William Barr, Chief Justice John Roberts, and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas.
The conduct of San Jose city officials and federal court officials is an egregious abuse of power that violates the public trust. What makes their conduct truly appalling is that their intent is to cover up racism, bigotry and corruption. The evidence of racism by San Jose city officials is indisputable because they state in court papers that the City’s anti-discrimination policies does not protect me, a black person, and that they had no duty to investigate my racial discrimination complaints against City officials. Even though San Jose city policy specifically states that discrimination complaints will be investigated, the courts ruled in favor of the City stating that there were no set of facts that I could allege to make my racial discrimination claim viable. It is worthy to note that state law and precedent also establish that City officials had a duty to investigate my discrimination complaints, and that they can be held liable individually under Section 1983 based on their deliberate indifference. Further evidence of bias by the courts and indifference to the City’s racist conduct is that the court in one proceeding exhibited hostility toward my discrimination lawsuit by asking why I was making this a federal case and why I didn’t just drop the darn thing (my lawsuit). Bias is also indicated by the fact that the courts ruled in favor of the City in my first lawsuit despite City officials’ admission that they had violated City policy and a state law that implicates a constitutionally protected interest. This flagrant bias against me by the courts also makes the judgments in my lawsuits null and void. 
In covering up this clear case of bigotry and public corruption, Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Nadler, and Chairman Schiff have violated the ethics rules of the House of Representatives, as well as the oath they took to protect and uphold the Constitution. A credible criminal case for collusion and obstruction of justice can also be made against Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Nadler, and Chairman Schiff because the intentional cover-up of a crime is in itself a crime. An investigation into this matter is warranted in order to protect the integrity of our judicial system and to set right this unjust situation. Please inform me of what action the Office of Congressional Ethics will take in regards to my complaint.


                                                                                                            Frederick Bates