Post 9/23
I think it is safe to say that most people in this country have heard about Donald Trump's recent media meltdown attacking Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Judge Curiel is a US District Court Judge presiding over a lawsuit involving, the now defunct, Trump University. As we all know, Mr. Trump said that Judge Curiel made rulings that were biased against him because of Judge Curiel's "Mexican" heritage. Mr. Trump did not provide a single piece of evidence to support his allegation. Rightfully so, there has been a great deal of criticism of Mr. Trump for his clearly racist statements. The purpose of this post is not to pile on with more criticism of Mr. Trump. The purpose of this post is to focus on the issue that has been lost in all of this madness, the very real issue of bias by federal judges in this country, particularly the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and district courts within the circuit. It just so happens that Judge Curiel is assigned to a district court within the Ninth Circuit. I do not know anything about Judge Curiel or the lawsuit involving Trump University. It is also not my intent to imply that Judge Curiel is biased or corrupt. I only want to emphasize what has been the focus of this blog. Nearly all of my posts in this blog, which began in July 2015, have been devoted to corruption and bias in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court - San Jose Division relative to a lawsuit I filed against the City of San Jose. What pisses me off greatly is all of the high profile politicians that were so quick to come to the defense of Judge Curiel after Mr. Trump made his unfortunate comments. Yet, they have done absolutely nothing in defense of average citizens who have been the victim of bias and corruption at the hands of the lower federal courts. The list of those criticizing Mr. Trump include, VP Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren from the Democrat side; Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on the Republican side, just to name a few. However, the list is much longer than these four. I only mention them because they were the first to come to mind. But my point is that politicians, as well as pundits, that stood up in defense of Judge Curiel missed a great opportunity to address a real problem with our federal courts. This was not an oversight. This was intentional and political. It is no secret that there is corruption and cheating in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court in San Jose. Just as I stated in my prior posts, the courts in my case committed flagrant violations of the Constitution and several federal statutes. Politicians have turned a wilful blind eye to this issue rather than address it head-on and risk a total collapse of our judicial system. Americans ought to know that the politicians who were so quick to criticize Donald Trump have no courage to stand up for their basic rights or protect and uphold the Constitution as they sweared to do under oath. When it comes to complaints against judges, politicians run and hide behind the separation of powers doctrine and the need for an independent judiciary. While an independnet judiciary is necessary for government to function properly, it does not mean that judges have the right to base their rulings on their subjective feelings and not on the rule of law, just as many seem to be doing. Complaints I made to the FBI, the US Attorney's Office, the House Judiciary Committee, the California Attorney General's Office, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office and the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury relative to criminal misconduct by federal court officials and San Jose city officials during the litigation of my lawsuit have not resuled in an investigation, not even an interview, even though the evidence of misconduct is indisputable and overwhelming. In addition to this blog, you can view my facebook page listed below for more details.