Post 18/23
I am somewhat skeptical about the motivation for all of the investigations and media coverage into Russia's meddling into the past presidential election and potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here is what we know from current and former government officials in the intelligence and law enforcement communities, including former president Obama. Russia's meddling did not influence the outcome of the election and it did not change a single vote. Also, no evidence has been presented to the American people that implicates Trump and the Russian government working together to undermine the presidential election. As a matter of fact, the Obama Administration did very little when it learned of Russia's meddling prior to the election. Mr. Obama stated in October 2016 that it would be impossible to rig a presidential election because they are so decentralized. Officials with the DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI after allegedly being hacked by the Russians. It did not appear to be that big of a deal to Hillary Clinton and Democratic operatives because they were winning in the polls. Now that Ms. Clinton has lost and Mr. Trump has ascended to the Presidency, politicians, bureaucrats in Washington on both sides, as well as the media, have all of this newfound concern about Russia's meddling and a possible connection to Trump. All of the investigations into this scandal seem to be justified based on the notion that Russian interference undermined our electoral process and threatened our democracy. While I do not disagree with that notion, I think politics and an anti-Trump agenda is at play here and we might actually be witnessing a witch hunt. We will have to wait and see.
Let us now take a look at the collusion between San Jose mayor Sam Liccardo, the San Jose City Council , San Jose City Attorney Richard Doyle and the US District Court for the Northern District of California - San Jose Division. During the litigation of a lawsuit I filed against the City of San Jose in August 2006, the City Attorney's Office at the behest of the City Council colluded with the US District Court in creating false documents, falsifying court records, and staging a phony hearing on a Rule 60 motion I filed seeking relief from the bogus judgment of the district court that granted the City's motion for summary judgment. The City's motion for summary judgment was a total hoax. It was based on a false premise and supported by the perjured testimony of two corrupt police officials. One official was bribed for his testimony. Additionally, the district court violated two important federal laws limiting its discretion. Unlike the Trump-Russia collusion scandal, this collusion scandal has underlining criminal acts, and the clear intent to obstruct justice. San Jose city officials and the courts are engaged in a big cover-up of this scandal. Mayor Liccardo and the City Council refused to conduct investigations into my discrimination and misconduct complaints against the City Attorney's Office and three police administrators as is mandated by City policy and state law. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court entered totally bogus judgments that favor the City on motions for relief I filed. All of this is true folks. There's no witch hunt here. Don't take my word for it. Ask Mayor Liccardo, the City Council and the folks over at the US District Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Now Let's do some comparisons here. As to Russia's meddling into the election, there is no evidence that it influenced the outcome. As to Trump-Russia collusion, so far there is no evidence of any at all, just innuendo. As to the collusion between San Jose city officials and the US District Court, you have several underlining felonies relating to public corruption with the clear intent to obstruct justice. There are several investigations going on into the Trump-Russia scandal with the dubious claim by our elected officials in Washington that they are so concerned about protecting our electoral process and our democracy. They are at the same time calling for punishing Russia with sanctions. On the other hand, not a single investigation has been conducted into numerous complaints I have filed against San Jose city officials and the courts for public corruption which has caused ten times more harm to our constitutional republic than Russia's meddling into our presidential election.
Granted protecting our electoral process is a legitimate reason for investigating Russia's meddling into our presidential election. But by all accounts no real damage was done. On the other hand, the collusion between San Jose city officials and the courts has caused immeasurable harm to our judicial system and our democracy. Clearly an investigation into this scandal is warranted just as an investigation into possible collusion between Russia and Trump. Our judicial process is as equally sacred as our electoral process.Yet, many of the same politicians and non-elected government officials that are calling for investigations into the Trump-Russia scandal have not shown any courage by calling for an investigation into the collusion between San Jose city officials and the federal courts. A rigged election would be intolerable by politicians and all Americans. Rightfully so. Yet, politicians in Washington have developed a tolerance for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and many of the district courts within the Ninth Circuit that are rigged against average Americans. It time to hold them accountable just as we are the Russians.