Thursday, December 7, 2017

Senator Dianne Feinstein Lacks Consistency in Regards to Obstruction of Justice Cases

Post 23/23

This past  Sunday (12/3/17) Senator Feinstein, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" that the Senate Judiciary Committee was building a case for obstruction of justice against President Trump. Senator Feinstein referenced the four indictments of individuals related to the Trump campaign and his administration, as well as, recent tweets by the President relating to the firing of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, one of the individuals indicted. Apparently when it comes to pursuing obstruction of justice cases, the Senator is clearly motivated by politics rather than evidence. While Senator Feinstein and the Senate Judiciary Committee purse an obstruction of justice case against the President based on inferences from indictments and tweets, she has totally ignored a very solid case of collusion and obstruction of justice against officials with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the US District Court in San Jose and the City of San Jose with indisputable and overwhelming evidence. It is undeniable that officials with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the US District Court in San Jose and the City of San Jose colluded to obstruct justice in two lawsuits I filed against the City. It is, without a doubt, that these officials committed several criminal acts with the specific intent of undermining the judicial process, and that their criminal acts were a direct attack on our democracy and the rule of law. The collusion and obstruction of justice case against the federal courts were brought to Senator Feinstein's attention in a letter I sent to her dated 8/11/17. Senator Feinstein's response to my letter requesting that she call for an investigation into this criminal case was very troubling because of her claim that the separation of powers doctrine prevents her from commenting on a matter within the jurisdiction of the courts. This intentional misrepresentation of the separation of powers doctrine is clearly an excuse to take no action. I am confident that Senator Feinstein is aware that the checks and balances provision of the separation of powers doctrine allows for intervention by Congress and the executive branch in cases of blatant criminal misconduct by the federal courts. The Senator's approach to the potential obstruction of justice case against the President and her approach to the collusion and obstruction of justice case against the federal courts and the City of San Jose shows a lack of consistency that demonstrate her actions, or lack thereof, are purely political. In my post on yesterday (12/6/17) is a copy of a complaint letter I sent to the Department of Justice that lists the crimes committed by officials with the federal courts and the City of San Jose. Below is a copy of the letter I sent to Senator Feinstein:

Frederick Bates
                                                                                                            Folsom, CA 95630
August 11, 2017

Senator Dianne Feinstein
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104

Re: Public Corruption Complaint

Dear Senator Feinstein,

            Enclosed are copies of letters and documents I sent to the Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice and FBI making a complaint of public corruption against several San Jose city officials, and officials with the US District Court for the Northern District of California – San Jose Division and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals relative to two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. Please take note that I informed you of a similar complaint I made with the FBI and Judiciary Committee in a letter in June 2011. Apparently no investigation or inquiry was made into my complaint in spite of the facts and evidence I presented supporting my claims.
            In response to my June 2011 letter, I believe that your office stated that it would be inappropriate for an elected official to get involved with litigation in the courts because of the importance of an independent judiciary that’s necessary to the proper functioning of government. While this is normally the case, it does not apply to cases where it is sufficiently clear that a court is engaged in serious criminal misconduct that undermines our institutions of government as I am alleging in my complaints. The checks and balances provision of the separation of powers doctrine exit to ensure that one branch of government show proper respect for the other branches of government. It is undeniable from facts presented in my complaint that the courts violated 28 USC Section 1738 (the Full Faith and Credit Act) and FRCP 41 which governs a stipulation of dismissal. These two laws passed by Congress must be strictly adhered to by the courts. There is no room for discretion. Additionally, officials with the US District Court and the City of San Jose falsified court records, created fraudulent documents, staged a fake hearing on a Rule 60 motion I filed, and then created a fraudulent transcript for that hearing. All of these fraudulent acts were committed with the specific intent to obstruct justice.
            Certainly, the independence with which courts are allowed to operate does not render Congress or the Executive Branch impotent to address public corruption in our judicial system that undermines our democracy. Rather, Congress and the Executive Branch are obligated to intervene. I respectfully request that you seek an investigation into this matter.


                                                                                                            Frederick Bates

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