While politicians are condemning alleged "s---hole countries" comments by President Trump as being racist, many of the same politicians refuse to condemn or call for an investigation into public corruption crimes committed by San Jose city officials and federal court officials in order to cover up their racist misconduct
As predictable, many self righteous politicians and media entities, all Trump haters, have been quick to condemn the President based on the unverified accusations that he referred to several African nations as s---hole countries. Some of the harshest criticisms of Trump came from California senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, as well as, California Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. Senator Feinstein said that Trump wanted a "white society," implied that he was a poor leader, and that racism existed in the Oval Office. Senator Harris said that the President was irresponsible. She shamelessly invoked the memories of Dr. Martin Luther King in her politically correct attempt to embarrass Trump. Rep Lofgren said in several tweets that Trump was divisive, and that his guiding principle was hate. Lofgren also tweeted that she was embarassed and outraged by the President's comments which were bigoted and ignorant. She stated that all Americans need to speak out to condemn Trump's statement. Senator Harris, Senator Feinstein and Rep Lofgren quick response to racist comments that the President may or may not have made is quite hypocritical being that all three have refused to respond to my request for an investigation into several public corruption crimes committed by Mayor Liccardo, the San Jose City Council, the US District Court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals during litigation of two racial and disability discrimination lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. The criminal acts committed by these officials include, bribery, fraud, perjury and obstruction of justice. They were committed with the intent to cover up flagrantly bigoted treatment I received at the hands of San Jose city officials after I retired from the City's police force in 2004. The treatment was akin to how black voting rights activists were treated by segregationist Bull Connor in the sixties. I'm black/ African American.
I am deeply troubled by the hypocrisy of Feinstein, Harris and Lofgren, as well as, other politicians whose phony outrage is based on politics and hatred for Donald Trump. Even though Feinstein, Harris and Lofgren are Democrats from my home state of California, my criticism is not limited to Democrats. Republicans John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Speaker Paul Ryan who were also quick to condemn the President's alleged vulgar comments also failed to respond to my requests for an investigation into the bigoted and criminal misconduct of San Jose city officials and the courts that totally undermines our democracy and our judicial system. These elected officials have betrayed our democracy, to borrow words from Senator Graham, based on their hypocrisy and outright cowardice. The disparity here is sickening. The President is called a racist by politicians because of comments he may or may not have made. Yet, the same politicians refuse to condemn or call for an investigation in to my allegations of racist and serious criminal misconduct by San Jose city officials and the federal courts that is supported by indisputable evidence. Rep Lofgren's call for all Americans to speak out to condemn the alleged comments by Trump while she and other politicians have been totally silent on the racist misconduct of San Jose city officials and the federal courts is ultimate hypocrisy. Please review the following link and letters for more details:
Frederick Bates
CA 95630
2, 2017
Zoe Lofgren
N. First Street, Suite B
Jose, CA 95112
Public Corruption Complaint
Congresswoman Lofgren,
Enclosed are copies of letters and
documents I sent to the Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice and FBI
making a complaint of public corruption against several San Jose city
officials, and officials with the US District Court for the Northern District of
California – San Jose Division and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals relative
to two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. You might remember that
in June 2011 and March 2012 I brought to your attention a similar complaint I
made with the FBI and Judiciary Committee. Apparently no investigation or
inquiry was made into my complaint in spite of the facts and evidence I
presented supporting my claims.
Being that you are a member of the
Judiciary Committee and the City of San Jose is in your district, I
respectfully request that you bring this matter before the Committee for
review. Please be aware that I have made several attempts to resolve this
matter with the courts without any success. Even though the criminal misconduct
by San Jose city officials and the courts is disturbing and warrants an
investigation, the evidence is incontrovertible that the judgments by the
courts as they relate to issue preclusion and the stipulation of dismissal of a
defendant are clearly void and unenforceable by law. Yet, the courts have
stubbornly refused to reverse their orders, and are now engaged in a cover-up.
I find the courts’ position intolerable and there is absolutely no way I will
comply with their orders which are a clear abuse of their discretion and authority.
The independence with which courts are allowed to operate under the separation
of powers provision of the Constitution does not permit them to operate above
the law.
So far Congress and the Executive
Branch have been negligent in their failure to take action against the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals and other federal courts based on their contempt for justice
and the rule of law. I have done my part as a good citizen by giving the
process a chance to work, only to be treated with a total lack of respect and
dignity by San Jose city officials and the courts. All that I am asking is that
the courts respect my rights and follow the rules. I look forward to hearing
from you regarding this matter.
Frederick Bates
CA 95630
11, 2017
Dianne Feinstein
Post Street, Suite 2450
Francisco, CA 94104
Public Corruption Complaint
Senator Feinstein,
Enclosed are copies of letters and
documents I sent to the Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice and FBI
making a complaint of public corruption against several San Jose city
officials, and officials with the US District Court for the Northern District
of California – San Jose Division and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
relative to two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. Please take note
that I informed you of a similar complaint I made with the FBI and Judiciary
Committee in a letter in June 2011. Apparently no investigation or inquiry was
made into my complaint in spite of the facts and evidence I presented
supporting my claims.
In response to my June 2011 letter,
I believe that your office stated that it would be inappropriate for an elected
official to get involved with litigation in the courts because of the importance
of an independent judiciary that’s necessary to the proper functioning of
government. While this is normally the case, it does not apply to cases where
it is sufficiently clear that a court is engaged in serious criminal misconduct
that undermines our institutions of government as I am alleging in my
complaints. The checks and balances provision of the separation of powers
doctrine exit to ensure that one branch of government show proper respect for
the other branches of government. It is undeniable from facts presented in my
complaint that the courts violated 28 USC Section 1738 (the Full Faith and
Credit Act) and FRCP 41 which governs a stipulation of dismissal. These two
laws passed by Congress must be strictly adhered to by the courts. There is no
room for discretion. Additionally, officials with the US District Court and the
City of San Jose falsified court records, created fraudulent documents, staged
a fake hearing on a Rule 60 motion I filed, and then created a fraudulent
transcript for that hearing. All of these fraudulent acts were committed with
the specific intent to obstruct justice.
Certainly, the independence with
which courts are allowed to operate does not render Congress or the Executive
Branch impotent to address public corruption in our judicial system that
undermines our democracy. Rather, Congress and the Executive Branch are
obligated to intervene. I respectfully request that you seek an investigation
into this matter.
Frederick Bates
CA 95630
7, 2017
Kamala Harris
I Street, Suite 7-600
CA 95814
Public Corruption Complaint
Senator Harris,
Enclosed are copies of letters and
documents I sent to the Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice and FBI
making a complaint of public corruption against several San Jose city
officials, and officials with the US District Court for the Northern District
of California – San Jose Division and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
relative to two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. It should be
noted that when you were Attorney General, I sent you a letter in May 2014
requesting an investigation into public corruption by many of the same
officials named in my current complaint. No investigation was completed.
I respectfully request that you seek
an investigation into my current public corruption complaint by the Department
of Justice, the FBI, and Congress because public corruption undermines our
institutions of government just as the meddling into our past presidential
election by the Russians. Congress and several agencies of the government have
gone to great lengths to ensure that future presidential elections are not
marginalized by the interference of nations hostile to our democracy. Yet,
there has been very little done to ensure Americans that they will have a level
playing field when settling disputes with the government in our federal courts.
It is undeniable that the US District Court and San Jose city officials
conspired to obstruct justice in my two lawsuits by falsifying court records,
by creating false documents, by staging a fake hearing on a Rule 60 motion I
filed, and by creating a fraudulent transcript for that hearing. It is also
undeniable that the courts failed to follow federal laws relating to issue
preclusion and a stipulation of dismissal that places strict limitations on
their discretion.
The misconduct of San Jose city officials
and the courts in my lawsuits represent one of the most egregious breaches of
the public trust imaginable, as well as, a case of brazen and persistent cheating.
These officials have made a conscious decision to place themselves above the
law. I respectfully remind you that you retweeted a tweet by Senator Blumenthal a few days ago
directed to the President stating that “no
one is above the law.” It is my hope that you take the same view concerning
my public corruption complaint.
Frederick Bates
CA 95630
1, 2017
Lindsey Graham
Russell Senate Office Building
D.C. 20510
Public Corruption Complaint
Senator Graham,
are copies of letters and documents I sent to the House Judiciary Committee,
the Department of Justice and FBI making a complaint of public corruption
against several San Jose city officials, and officials with the US District
Court for the Northern District of California – San Jose Division and the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals relative to two lawsuits I filed against the City of
San Jose. During litigation of my first lawsuit, the US District Court and
attorneys for the City of San Jose falsified court records, created fraudulent
documents, staged a fake hearing on a Rule 60 motion I filed seeking relief
from an order by the district court granting the City’s summary judgment
motion, then created a fraudulent transcript for that hearing. All of these
fraudulent acts were committed with the specific intent to obstruct justice.
Additionally, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court
violated 28 USC Section 1738 (the Full Faith and Credit Act) and FRCP 41 which
governs a stipulation of dismissal. These two laws passed by Congress must be
strictly adhered to by the courts with no room for discretion. This egregious
conduct by San Jose city officials and the courts motivated by bigotry and hate
is an attack on our democracy and shows utter contempt for the rule of law.
though I informed California Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris of
this matter since I am a California resident, I decided to bring this matter to
your attention because of your long history of honesty and integrity and a
willingness to protect our institutions of government. This is evident by your strong
stance for sanctions against Russia for interfering in our past presidential
election. You strongly encouraged President Trump to sign the sanctions bill punishing
Russia and stated that his failure to do so would be “betraying democracy.”
Likewise, a failure to hold accountable the San Jose city officials and federal
court officials for their involvement in this criminal conspiracy that
undermines our judicial system would also be “betraying democracy.” The
documents enclosed shows, without a doubt, that my public corruption complaint
has merit. I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter.
Frederick Bates
CA 95630
11, 2017
John McCain
Russell Senate Office Building
D.C. 20510
Public Corruption Complaint
Senator McCain,
are copies of letters and documents I sent to the House Judiciary Committee,
the Department of Justice and FBI making a complaint of public corruption
against several San Jose city officials, and officials with the US District
Court for the Northern District of California – San Jose Division and the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals relative to two lawsuits I filed against the City of
San Jose. Specific criminal acts committed by San Jose city officials and the
court are outlined in the enclosed letters and documents. Even though I
informed California Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris of this matter
since I am a California resident, I decided to bring this matter to your
attention because of your long history of integrity and honor and your willingness
to protect our institutions of government.
In your statement on President
Trump’s pardon of former sheriff Joe Arpaio, you stated that no one is above
the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law
officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly
enforcing the laws they swore to uphold. Likewise, federal judges and court
officials should be held to the same high standard when ruling on cases. It is
clear from the documents enclosed that several judges and court officials with
the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court in San Jose have
placed themselves above the law based on the public corruption crimes they
committed during the litigation of my lawsuits.
In a recent op-ed, you stated that
this country is comprised of 323 million souls of different origins and
opinions who are equal under the law. As a black/African American, I have not
received this equal treatment from San Jose city officials or the courts. In
that same op-ed, you stated that Congress must be diligent in its responsibility
to serve as a check on the President’s power. It is as equally important for
Congress to serve as a check on the power of judges in our lower federal courts
who are unelected and appointed for life. I understand that an independent
judiciary is necessary for our government to function properly. However, it is
clear from my public corruption complaint that the judges involved in my cases
knowingly and intentionally exceeded their power in the judgments they rendered
that were intentionally biased in favor of the City of San Jose. The
independence of the judiciary should not be a shield that prevents corrupt
judges from being held accountable.
addition to Senators Feinstein and Harris, I have also informed several other
members of Congress about my complaint and asked for an investigation. Likewise,
I am also asking that you call for an investigation into my complaint. Because
it is undeniable that the U S District
and San Jose city officials conspired to obstruct justice in my two lawsuits by
falsifying court records, by creating false documents, by staging a fake
hearing on a Rule 60 motion I filed, and by creating a fraudulent transcript
for that hearing. It is also undeniable that the courts failed to follow
federal laws relating to issue preclusion and a stipulation of dismissal that
places strict limitations on their discretion. Even more disturbing than the
courts’ criminal conduct is their absolute refusal to reverse their many
decisions in my two cases that violates several laws and precedent and are
clearly void judgments that are unenforceable. Not only is this a serious
breach of the public trust, it is one of the biggest cheating scandals in quite
some time. Additional information regarding this matter can be found at the
following link: http://crnctz.blogspot.com/2015/08/exposing-cover-up-of-cheating-scandal.html
I look forward to hearing from you
regarding my request for an investigation into my complaint.
Frederick Bates
MS 39652
1, 2017
Honorable Paul Ryan – Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
Longworth HOB
D.C. 20515
Public Corruption Complaint
Mr. Speaker,
Enclosed are copies of letters and
documents I sent to the House Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice
and FBI making a complaint of public corruption against several San Jose city
officials, and officials with the US District Court for the Northern District
of California – San Jose Division and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
relative to two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose.
I respectfully request that you seek
an investigation into my public corruption complaint by the Department of
Justice, the FBI, and Congress because public corruption undermines our
institutions of government just as the meddling into our past presidential
election by the Russians. Congress and several agencies of the government have
gone to great lengths to ensure that future presidential elections are not
marginalized by the interference of nations hostile to our democracy. Yet,
there has been very little done to ensure Americans that they will have a level
playing field when settling disputes with the government in our federal courts.
It is undeniable that the US District Court and San Jose city officials
conspired to obstruct justice in my two lawsuits by falsifying court records,
by creating false documents, by staging a fake hearing on a Rule 60 motion I
filed, and by creating a fraudulent transcript for that hearing. It is also
undeniable that the courts failed to follow federal laws relating to issue
preclusion and a stipulation of dismissal that places strict limitations on
their discretion.
The misconduct of San Jose city
officials and the courts in my lawsuits represent one of the most egregious
breaches of the public trust imaginable, as well as, a case of brazen and
persistent cheating. These officials have made a conscious decision to place
themselves above the law. I respectfully request that you take note of your
opposition to President Trump’s decision to pardon former Arizona sheriff Joe
Arpaio because law enforcement officials have a special responsibility to respect
the rights of everyone in the United States. Certainly this responsibility
applies to Judges and other officials in our federal courts. Please take the
time to review the enclosed documents. I am confident you will find my
complaint has merit. I look forward to hearing from you regarding this very
serious matter.
Frederick Bates
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