Monday, June 11, 2018

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and the San Jose City Council - Most Corrupt City Officials In America?

Post 33

It is widely known that San Jose, CA, the tenth largest city in the US, is referred to as the capitol of the Silicon Valley. As the center of technological innovation, San Jose has benefited from the immense wealth that has been generated by the tech giants of the Silicon Valley. San Jose has, perhaps, the most millionaires per capita than any other city in the nation, and has some of the highest home values in the nation. San Jose is located in Santa Clara County. The city and county are well known for their progressive (liberal) politics in addition to being home to the high tech industry. For years, San Jose was considered to be a national leader when it came to ethics in government. The City has strongly worded anti-discrimination policies and a Code of Ethics that apply to all city officials and employees elected or appointed. However, based on the corrupt leadership of the last mayor (Chuck Reed) and the current mayor (Sam Liccardo) I believe that San Jose now has the most corrupt city leaders in the entire nation, and certainly in the history of California. It is hard to dispute that there is a culture of corruption in San Jose City Hall despite the City's anti-discrimination policies and Code of Ethics. Move over Bell California! You you are no longer number 1 when it comes to disgusting and disgraceful conduct. The City of San Jose has surpassed you. I think many of you remember Bell California. The city officials of Bell enriched themselves by stealing thousands, if not millions, of dollars from the low income hard working residents of Bell. Many of the city officials were convicted of public corruption crimes and went to prison.

There are many scandals involving City officials within the last several years to support my claim that there is a culture of corruption inside San Jose City Hall. Who can forget the lies of former mayor Chuck Reed during the pension-gate scandal or the campaign finance laws that current mayor Sam Liccardo violated. Let's not forget the corrupt manner in which City Attorney Rick Doyle has run his office, costing taxpayers millions of dollars. The scandals I just mentioned are off the top of my head. However, there are many more.

Now I realize that it might be hard to believe that San Jose City Hall has some of the most corrupt city officials in the nation because of the phony show that Mayor Liccardo and the City Council put on for the local fake news media. Saying that the City of San Jose is worst than Bell California might appear to be a huge exaggeration. But I say that because of the sneaky underhanded way in which the City rewards many of its employees with lucrative promotions for their roles in covering up bigotry and fraudulent misconduct by city leaders. San Jose City Hall is indeed a cesspool of corruption. Mayor Liccardo is one of the biggest frauds and hypocrites I know. He calls himself the anti-Trump mayor and he is quick to point out that City Hall has a very diverse group of people. He has said that "diversity is our secret sauce." Because of the strong stand he has taken in protecting the interests of undocumented immigrants, he is quite popular with the immigrant community and the local media. But people should not be fooled by Mayor Liccardo and the other councilmembers. Everything they say and do is designed to benefit them politically. They have no integrity or honor when it comes to conducting the City's business. I'm speaking from firsthand experience. There is a dark cloud hanging over San Jose City Hall because of corruption and the bigoted manner in which City officials treated me after I retired from the police department on a medical disability.

It is bad enough that San Jose city officials discriminated against me based on my race and disability. I'm black/African American. But these same officials refused to respond to and conduct an investigation into my discrimination complaints, even though it is mandatory based on city policy, state and federal laws. After I filed two discrimination lawsuits against the City, the City Attorney's Office conspired with the US District Court in San Jose and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to cover up the racist conduct of San Jose city officials by committing several criminal acts during litigation that include bribing a police official in order for him to commit perjury in a deposition and a declaration he filed in court in support of a completely fabricated motion for summary judgment filed by the City. City officials, with the blessings of the courts, paid off my attorney to stipulate to the dismissal of that same police official that committed perjury. This was only the beginning of the crimes committed by San Jose city officials and the courts.These officials also conspired to obstruct justice by falsifying court dockets and creating false documents, staging a phony hearing on a motion I filed then fabricating a transcript for that hearing, and committing fraud relative to an appeal I filed. What makes the cover-up of this racist conduct so disgusting is that the City has solicited racial discrimination complaints against rank and file police officers in utility bills and through an outreach program funded by a million dollar donation from the San Francisco 49ers in response to the Colin Kaepernick spectacle while totally ignoring my discrimination complaints against high ranking City officials.

This is one of the biggest scandals in recent history. It is bigger than Trump-Russia collusion and the Clinton email scandal. It is certainly one of the most egregious abuses of power by government officials at any level. The purpose of the criminal misconduct by these officials is to not only cover up racism and bigotry by the City of San Jose, but to cover up the disturbing fact that the US District Court in San Jose and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has an elaborate and extensive case-fixing scheme that has totally undermined our judicial system. From appearance alone, it appears that many of our court officials, including judges, are being paid off for their roles in fixing cases. This scandal has caused more damage to our constitutional republic than Watergate. But it is also flat out cheating. Complicit in the cover up of this scandal is the FBI, the DOJ and several prominent members of Congress because of their failure to open an investigation into the crimes that have been committed based on my public corruption complaints. It is sufficiently clear that Congress has no courage to provide the oversight of the judiciary that is mandated by the Constitution; and the FBI and DOJ have leadership issues based on their refusal to conduct investigations into blatant criminal misconduct by San Jose city officials and officials with the US District Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The facts and evidence of misconduct by San Jose city officials and the federal courts can be found in many of my prior posts and on my group facebook page at:


  1. I WISH THAT San Jose City Mayor Sam Liccardo AND Councilmember Pam Foley WOULD UNDERSTAND THAT VIOLATING GOVERNMENT LAW IN SUPPORT OF A BALLOT MEASURE PROP 16, IS AGREEING WITH COMMUNIST MARXIST BLACK LIVES MATTER AND ANTIFA. Both organizations have received Marxist subversive training in Cuba and have received millions from the Castro and Venezuela communist regime. They have served as fake "auditors" for the sham 9several times0 "elections in Venezuela.
    Being a participant of at least 5 million Venezuelans fleeing the country, and thousand assassinated by the Nicolas Maduro, and world biggest cartel of cocaine "El Cartel de Los Soles." but it looks like that Sam Liccardo, pam foley and the rest of San Jose city council, are monolingual, geographically challenged, uneducated about BLM/Antifa and their communist agenda under Castro Maduro manipulation and financial support. San Jose city council is out of touch with international issues that are directly affecting the USA, not only that they do not represent the melting pot of high percentage immigrants that live in San Jose, ca.
    It is such a pity, I used to admire both Sam Liccardo and Pam Foley. They do not represent me, and they do not represent the high percentage of immigrants like that live in San Jose. They are out of touch with reality, and the communist expansion in the USA. Either they are ignorant, or they KNOW what they are doing.

  2. Pam Foley was always a wolf in sheep's clothing. Claimed she is really a republican at heart but runs as a democrat because that's the only way she could get elected. No principals. Like all the others, for sale to highest bidder.

    Wake up San Jose Voters!!
