Monday, February 17, 2020

It's Time For Nancy Pelosi To Go

Post #65 (February 17, 2020)

Nancy Pelosi should resign as Speaker of the House and go off into retirement immediately. I take no pleasure in saying that. For the good of her legacy and this country, she should just go away. This is not about me taking sides with Donald Trump and Republicans. I detest their conduct as well. However, this is strictly about Nancy Pelosi and what she has become. She is a bitter and angry person that is suffering from one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome as anybody this side of Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler. Unlike the Nancy Pelosi of old, she is totally unhinged and is now one of the biggest liars and hypocrites in Washington, DC. Everything she says now about Trump or anyone associated with the Trump administration is an exaggeration meant to create a spectacle for the Trump loathing media.

The latest spectacle that Speaker Pelosi has made of herself relates to her unwarranted rebuke of Attorney General William Barr for his role in reducing the sentencing recommendation of Trump associate Roger Stone. Stone was convicted of lying to Congress and witness tampering several days ago. Federal prosecutors had recommended a seven to nine year sentence but Barr changed the recommendation to a lesser sentence. AG Barr should be commended for his actions. Seven to nine years for allegedly lying to Congress is excessive and appears to be nothing more than a swipe at Trump. Lying to Congress should not even be a criminal offense, being that Congress is a bunch of liars themselves. The prosecutors who came up with that ridiculous sentencing recommendation resigned from the case. I say good riddance. In this day of prison overcrowding there is an emphasis on prison reform that reduces overcrowding and prison expenses by releasing prisoners that pose little risk to society. Convicted liars fit into this category. It begs the question, do we really want our prisons populated with convicted liars when violent criminals are being given far lesser sentences than the seven to nine years initially recommended for Roger Stone? What happened to the saying that the punishment should fit the crime? These prosecutors were making a political statement by their recommendations just as they are by resigning from the case. There is nothing principled about their actions just as there is nothing principled about Nancy Pelosi's rebuke of AG Barr and her criticism of the President claiming that he is engaging in political interference by tweeting that the sentencing recommendation was too harsh.

What really irks me about Nancy Pelosi is her blatant hypocrisy. As part of her rebuke of AG Barr, she accused him of damaging the rule of law by withdrawing the sentencing recommendation of Roger Stone. She called AG Barr a "sad disappointment to our country" and that he has "stooped to such levels." Yet, it's Pelosi and the Democrats that have deeply damaged the rule of law in actions they have taken against Trump. Democrats supported the Mueller Investigation knowing that it was a hoax because investigations by the Intelligence Community and Congress had already concluded that Trump did not collude with Russia during the 2016 election. Who can forget how Democrats "stooped to such levels" by humiliating Brett Kavanaugh and his family during his confirmation by exploiting totally unsubstantiated sexual misconduct claims. Of course there is the impeachment fiasco that was ill-advised and lacking constitutional legitimacy.

It is Pelosi's complaint that "There is so much malfeasance of the people in the executive branch right now" that accentuates her hypocrisy. She complains about the malfeasance in the executive branch while at the same time covering up an egregious case of malfeasance in the judicial branch. I sent letters to Pelosi in 2018 and 2019 asking her to initiate an investigation into a case-fixing scandal involving the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the US District Court in San Jose, and the City of San Jose. This scandal occurred during the litigation of two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose for racial and disability discrimination. I am black/African American. Several criminal acts were committed by court officials and San Jose city officials that includes fraud, bribery, subornation of perjury and perjury, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice. Yet, Pelosi did not respond to my letters and there has not been an investigation into my complaints even though my allegations are supported by incontrovertible evidence. It is Pelosi's hypocrisy and poor leadership in the Democratic Party and Congress that makes her the one that is a "sad disappointment to our country." For the sake of her legacy and the good of the country, she should do the honorable thing and just go away. Below is a copy of one of the complaint letters that I sent to Speaker Pelosi:

                                                                                                            Frederick Bates
                                                                                                            Folsom, CA 95630

June 18, 2018

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
90 7th Street, Suite 2-800
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 556-4862

Dear Congresswoman Pelosi,

            The purpose of this letter is to seek your help in opening an investigation into criminal misconduct by San Jose city officials, officials with the U.S. District Court – San Jose Division and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that occurred during the litigation of two racial and disability lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. I am black/African American. Please be aware that I have also notified several other Members of Congress seeking their help in opening an investigation into my complaints. The Members of Congress include, Senators Feinstein, Harris, McCain and Graham; Speaker Paul Ryan, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren and Congressman Adam Schiff. So far I have only received one response from Senator Feinstein that does not address my request for an investigation.
            I have enclosed copies of complaints I filed with Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Department of Justice and the F.B.I. My complaints contain indisputable facts and evidence that San Jose city officials conspired with officials of the U.S. District Court during the litigation of my first lawsuit with the filing and granting of a motion for summary judgment by the City that was a total fabrication. The City’s summary judgment motion was facilitated by a fraudulent stipulation of dismissal of an individual defendant that was entered without my knowledge or permission. The district court further obstructed justice during the litigation of my first lawsuit by falsifying court dockets, staging a fake hearing on a Rule 60 motion I filed and then creating a false transcript of that purported hearing. It should be noted that I was told by a court official over the phone and in person that there would be no hearing on my motion. As to my second lawsuit, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals officials terminated an appeal I filed challenging the district court’s denial of my motion for relief from judgment without allowing me to file an opening brief. It is unmistakable that the judgments in both of my lawsuits are flagrantly biased, based on fraud, and are inconsistent with federal statutory law, the U.S. Constitution and binding precedent of the Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The judgments are void and unenforceable by law. Yet, the judgments are being enforced by the courts. I find this to be intolerable. As with my complaints made with Members of Congress, I have not been notified by Judge Thomas, the F.B.I. and Department of Justice that an investigation has been initiated into my complaints. I find this to be very troubling considering that the criminal misconduct I allege are felonies under federal law. These criminal acts were committed with the intent to cover up racism and bigotry by San Jose city officials. This scandal also reveals disturbing evidence that there is a case-fixing scheme involving courts within the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. This scandal involves one of the biggest frauds and
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abuses of power by government officials in this country in recent history. What is more shocking than the blatant discrimination by these officials is the actions they have taken to cover it up, and the lack of response by Congress, the F.B.I. and Department of Justice to take any action.
            I respectfully request that you use your leadership position in Congress to address this matter by calling for an investigation being that the separation of powers doctrine of the Constitution allows Congress to exercise oversight over the lower federal courts. Clearly, this is a case where oversight is mandatory in order to preserve our democracy by protecting the integrity of our judiciary. The unfettered power with which the federal courts have been allowed to operate with absolutely no checks from Congress or the Executive Branch of government must end. Please review the documents I have enclosed. They present indisputable evidence supporting my allegations against the City of San Jose, the U.S. District Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Additional evidence can be found at the following links:
                It is my hope that this matter can be resolved fairly quickly since the issues presented are straight-forward. The issues are clearly stated in the letter and attachments I sent to Chief Judge Thomas. Any resolution to this matter must include the reversal of the judgments in my two lawsuits because it is indisputable that they are void and unenforceable by law. I look forward to hearing from you because public corruption such as alleged here undermines democracy.

                                                                                                                    Frederick Bates


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