Thursday, October 31, 2024

Sam Liccardo is unfit to be a Member of Congress

 By Fred Bates - October 30, 2024

Sam Liccardo is unqualified for Congress because of felonious and racist misconduct

Sam Liccardo is the former mayor of San Jose, California. He is currently running against Evan Low for California's 16th Congressional District seat being vacated by retiring Congresswoman Anna Eshoo. Liccardo is unfit and unqualified to be a Member of Congress because of his long history of corruption as mayor of San Jose and as a councilmember. What specifically disqualifies Liccardo from being a Member of Congress is his role in an obstruction of justice scandal involving San Jose city officials, and judicial officials with the U.S. District Court in San Jose during litigation of a lawsuit I filed against the City of San Jose in 2006. I sued the City and three police officials for the racist and malicious decision to deny me a CCW permit after I retired from the City's police department on a medical disability as a sergeant. I'm black/African American. 

During the initial litigation of my lawsuit, Liccardo was a member of the San Jose City Council that ordered the City Attorney's Office to perpetrate fraud on the U.S. District Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the form of a motion for summary judgment in 2007 based on several false claims. In order to facilitate the City's summary judgment motion, the City Attorney's Office with the backing of Liccardo and the City Council instructed police officials (Deputy Chief Adonna Amoroso and Captain Tuck Younis) to commit perjury in their sworn depositions and a declaration in support of the City's motion. Liccardo and City officials then paid off my attorney, Stuart Kirchick, to stipulate to the dismissal of Younis from my lawsuit without my authorization or a settlement agreement in order to prevent the courts from being able to rule on Younis' decision to deny me a CCW permit in clear violation of my rights. Liccardo and City officials had secured Younis' participation in this scheme to obstruct justice by offering him a promotion (quid pro quo) from Captain to Assistant Chief of Police with the understanding that he would provide false testimony related to my case. Younis was also ordered by City officials to violate his subpoena to appear and testify in a small claims case I filed against the City of San Jose in 2005, prior to my federal lawsuit. This is tampering with a witness.

It is clear that U.S. District Court Judge Ronald M. Whyte was a participant in this conspiracy of San Jose city officials to obstruct justice in order to cover up the racist and bigoted conduct of the City. Judge Whyte granted the City's motion for summary judgement in 2008 with the knowledge that it was based on several false statement of facts and law, and the fraudulent stipulation of dismissal of defendant Tuck Younis. Judge Whyte also made an erroneous ruling that my lawsuit was precluded on the basis of collateral estoppel. When I filed a motion for relief from Judge Whye's clearly erroneous judgment in 2013 based on fraud, he along with other court officials and the attorney for the City, Richard North, conspired to hold a hearing on my motion, without my knowledge, after deliberately misstating the grounds for my motion as challenging "Costs Taxed" awarded to the City instead of fraud. Judge Whyte dismissed my motion for relief in the phony hearing. At the very least, it suggests that Judge Whyte received a quid pro quo from San Jose city officials. Sam Liccardo, who at the time was a councilmember, played a role in this criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice.

Sam Liccardo is further unfit for office based on comments made to me by Senior Deputy San Jose City Attorney Matthew Pritchard in 2021. Pritchard who was speaking on behalf of Sam Liccardo (who was now mayor) and the rest of the City Council, said that the City did not care that I was black and that I grew up in the South during Jim Crow. He told me that the judgments of the courts in my lawsuit were clearly erroneous as they relate to the issue of collateral estoppel. Pritchard stated that I would lose on my efforts to obtain relief because the courts never change their decisions, even ones that are clearly erroneous. He said that the courts do not have to follow the law, and that the law is whatever the courts say it is. These comments by Pritchard coupled with the fact that City officials refused to investigate my racial discrimination complaints, as is required by City policy, is proof that the decision to deny me a CCW permit was malicious and racist.

Sam Liccardo is unfit and unqualified to be a Member of Congress because of the felony obstruction of justice crimes that he committed or pressured other City officials to commit. He is also unfit and unqualified because of the malicious and racist personal attack against me by police officials that he condoned and covered up. That includes a malicious criminal investigation Liccardo and City officials ordered the police department to open in 2018 based on an email I sent to Liccardo and the San Jose City Council. If Liccardo is elected to Congress, he should suffer the same fate as George Santos. He should be expelled because his criminal misconduct undermines our judicial system and democracy, but it is also an automatic disqualification to serve in Congress.  

For years, Sam Liccardo's corruption and criminal misconduct has been covered up by the local media, Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen, and the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury. It's high time he is exposed and held accountable for the fraud and hypocrite that he is. 

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