Wednesday, November 16, 2016

More Hypocrisy by San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo

Post 11/23

A few days ago a local San Jose Metro Newspaper (San Jose Inside) reported on a letter by San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo "blasting" campaign promises by president-elect Donald Trump. Mayor Liccardo made promises to protect residents of San Jose from Trump's policies, mostly relating to immigration. Mayor Liccardo made two promises in that letter that really got my blood boiling. He stated: We will Not Tolerate "Hate Crimes" in San Jose and We Will Protect the Constitutional Rights of San Jose Residents. Mayor Liccardo makes these vows as he and the City Council are covering up bigoted, retaliatory and hateful acts against me by the City Attorney's Office and three former police administrators. These City officials flagrantly violated my constitutional rights. Mayor Liccardo and the City Council refused to investigate my complaints against these bigoted officials as is required by state law and city policy. The letter by Mayor Liccardo shows that he has no integrity, and that he is is a big hypocrite. Here is the link for the article from SJI that contains Mayor LIccardo's letter.
Below are comments I made to Mayor Liccardo's letter that SJI refused to post:

The citizens of San Jose should be less concerned about what Trump might do as president and more concerned about the corrupt elected officials over at City Hall. A few months ago I posted comments on SJI regarding a cheating scandal involving the City Attorney's Office and the federal courts relative to a lawsuit I filed against the City for civil rights violations. This scandal is for real. It’s just being covered up by the Mayor and City Council. SJI and the local media are cowards with no journalistic integrity because they refuse to inform the public about what's going on. So far, two attorneys for the City that were assigned to the case are suspiciously no longer with the City. The federal judge assigned to the case, Ronald M. Whyte, suddenly retired. As I stated in other social media posts regarding this matter, I'm black and I lived in the South during Jim Crow. So I know a little bit about racism and discrimination. The way I have been treated by Mayor Liccardo and the other City officials involved was flagrantly bigoted and discriminatory and was done with the intent to inflict emotional distress because of my race. The letter by Mayor Liccardo supporting diversity and promising to protect the constitutional rights of the citizens of San Jose is insincere. As to who is better at protecting my rights, I have more confidence in Donald Trump than Mayor Liccardo. For Josh Koehn to pretend he is so offended by Trumps comments while refusing to report on the bigoted and discriminatory conduct of Mayor Liccardo and the City Council is insulting. See my blog for more:

Fred Bates, retired SJPD

Monday, October 31, 2016

US District Judge Ronald M. Whyte Violation of My Rights Conjures Up Memories of Jim Crow

 Monday, October 31, 2016

If you have read any of my prior posts, you should know that the purpose of this blog is to expose cheating by the federal courts and the San Jose City Attorney's Office during litigation of a federal lawsuit I filed against the City of San Jose in 2006 for racial and disability discrimination. I am black/African American. US District Judge Ronald M. Whyte presided over the lawsuit. Judge Whyte is also at the center of another big corruption scandal as well. Judge Whyte is a renowned intellectual property jurist, and he holds many distinguished positions relative to his profession. However, it is unmistakable that Judge Whyte is corrupt and has very little respect for civil rights and the rule of law. His lack of regards for my civil rights, a black person, draws comparison to the lack of regard for civil rights of black people during Jim Crow. This comparison might seem hyperbolic, but I think it is a fair one. My comparison of Judge Whyte's conduct to that of segregationists during Jim Crow is about the moral equivalency of the blatant civil rights violations of blacks during that era and the blatant violation of my civil rights by Judge Whyte.  

As noted in a prior post, Judge Whyte granted the City of San Jose a motion for summary judgment in my lawsuit that was a total fabrication, pure fiction, a complete hoax. He also allowed the City to conspire with my attorney to dismiss a defendant in that lawsuit without my knowledge or permission. That defendant, Tuck Younis, was the most important defendant in my case because he violated my rights knowingly. Younis also committed perjury in a deposition and in a declaration to the court. The law is perfectly clear that only I, the plaintiff, had the right to dismiss Younis from my lawsuit. My attorney, Stuart Kirchick, committed a serious ethical violation by agreeing to the dismissal of Younis from my lawsuit without my consent and without a settlement agreement. There is evidence that Kirchick was bribed by City officials and that the court approved of his misconduct as well. 

Younis was also in contempt of court because he refused to appear twice after being subpoenaed in a prior small claims action I filed against the City. It just so happens that the judgment in that small claims action from the state of California is critical to the judgment of Judge Whyte in my federal lawsuit. There was no litigation in the small claims action because the Commissioner made a ruling implying that the small claims court lacked authority to grant the compensation I was seeking without allowing any testimony from me or the City. Judge Whyte dismissed my federal lawsuit against the City based on the collateral estoppel effect of the small claims judgment despite the fact that there was no litigation and no record of what occurred in small claims court. The law is well settled that collateral estoppel, aka issue preclusion, does not apply to judgments rendered in California's small claims courts. When determining the preclusive effect of state court judgments, the full faith and credit act, 28 USC Section 1738 requires federal courts to follow the preclusion law of the state where the judgment was rendered. Judge Whyte failed to do so. Therefore, his judgment dismissing my lawsuit on the basis of collateral estoppel is unconstitutional and is void by law. 

Furthermore, the intransigence of Judge Whyte has shown in refusing to change his clearly erroneous and discriminatory judgment in my case mirrors the intransigence of white government officials in the South during Jim Crow in refusing to abandon their discriminatory policies against blacks. I have filed three motions with Judge Whyte seeking relief from his discriminatory judgment in my case, all to no avail. Judge Whyte and District Court officials went as far as staging a phony hearing on one of my motions after I was told there would be no hearing. Court officials falsified docket entries falsely stating that my motion pertained to "Costs Taxed" when it actually pertained to fraud on the court by the City's attorney and Judge Whyte's violation of the full faith and credit act. During the hearing, the City was granted a secret or ex parte motion to dismiss because I followed the court's instructions and did not appear for the hearing. The clear intent of Judge Whyte and court officials were to obstruct justice, a felony offense.

As far as I am concerned, Judge Whyte is a disgrace to the bench. It is reasonable to conclude that he was paid off by the City of San Jose. All of his prior cases should be examined because of his corruption. It is laughable that he won an award in 2009 for unquestioned integrity and commitment to the rule of law. Judge Whyte is taking inactive status (retiring) on November 1st of this year. The timing of his retirement is somewhat suspicious considering the scandals linked to him. As a result of his retirement, many of Judge Whyte's colleagues are falling all over themselves saying nice things about him on the US District Court website.

Here are some of the things being said about Judge Whyte. Judge Whyte is a great judge and a great man. Those who appeared before him saw how smart and fair and wise he is. He is intensely devoted to doing justice. Really?! He treated everyone with respect and dignity. One colleague of Judge Whyte stated that he possesses a model judicial temperament - an endearing blend of modesty, patience, intellect, and even-handedness. Another of his colleagues stated that for over two decades Judge Whyte has exemplified many of the best qualities of the judges of the Northern District: diligence, fairness, humility, modeling and inspiring the treatment of everyone involved in the justice system with courtesy and respect, and above all practicality. The common sentiment throughout these comments seems to be that Judge Whyte is fair or even-handed and that he is fair and just. This is comical because Judge Whyte refused to follow laws in my case that were mandatory; and he ruled in favor of the City, even though, all of the facts and evidence favored me. This claim by me is corroborated by the record in my case. It's the absolute truth. The complimentary comments about Judge Whyte by his colleagues are total baloney. They are nothing more than propaganda in order to make Judge Whyte look good. However, nothing is going to make Judge Whyte look good because of his egregious conduct in my case, and apparently several other cases. Judge Whyte may have made several important decisions relating to intellectual property litigation, but his best and most important decision has been to retire because he no longer has any integrity or honor. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

About Donald Trump's Claim That The Election Is Rigged

Post 10/23

In today's post, I'm going to do something different and focus on the presidential election. Much talk has been made about Donald Trump's claim that the election is rigged. Here's my take on this matter. I'm not sure if it's rigged or not. But based on my experience with government based on this cheating scandal I'm exposing, I believe our government is corrupt and, in concert with the media, is capable of anything. Not almost anything, but anything; and that's at the local, state and federal level. For me it's not a matter of whether the presidential election is rigged or not. What troubles me is that the processes of government are corrupt and rigged against regular citizens like you and me. It is absolutely shocking the number of government officials in this country that have no integrity or a conscience and will do anything they are asked to do, including committing criminal acts. It's true folks! I have experienced this firsthand. At the end of this post, I will list some links for you to check out.

Folks, the one thing we should learn very quickly is that our government officials do not give a dam about us or our rights guaranteed by the Constitution. If you think you have any rights, wait until you come into a conflict with the government like I have. I do not like bringing up the past, but in order to get a perspective as to how bad things are in this country today, I'm compelled to look back to some of the dark days in our nation's history. As I stated in a prior post, I'm black and I grew up in the South during Jim Crow. None of those Confederate Flag waving segregationist government officials I encountered treated me with with the total lack of respect and dignity as did the current San Jose mayor (Sam Liccardo), the City Council and the federal courts, during the litigation of my lawsuit against the City for civil rights violations. I will address the conduct of these officials in future posts and I will not pull any punches. My first target will be US District Judge Ronald M. Whyte who presided over my lawsuit. Judge Whyte committed acts worthy of impeachment. He has been allowed to go into retirement without being held accountable.An absolute disgrace!

Back to the issue of the presidential election, it is no secret that both candidates have serious character flaws and in my opinion are not worthy to hold the office of POTUS. I will not vote for either candidate. For me it's not a matter of which one is the lesser of two evils. In my opinion, these two evils are equal. One candidate, Hillary Clinton, appears to have placed herself above the law. The other candidate, Donald Trump, seems to be totally unhinged. However, the character flaws of these two candidates are not the primary reason I will not be voting in this election or future elections for that matter. I will not be voting in this election or any election in the foreseeable future because I believe widespread public corruption has deprived government of its credibility or legitimacy. Government has no credibility when elected and appointed officials have no respect for citizens or the Constitution which is our rule of law. I have absolutely nothing planned for election day except to not go out and vote. That is how disgusted I am with our government.
Here are the links I promised:



Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Missed Opportunity - Donald Trump's Attack On Judge Curiel

Post 9/23

I think it is safe to say that most people in this country have heard about Donald Trump's recent media meltdown attacking Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Judge Curiel is a US District Court Judge presiding over a lawsuit involving, the now defunct, Trump University. As we all know, Mr. Trump said that Judge Curiel made rulings that were biased against him because of Judge Curiel's "Mexican" heritage. Mr. Trump did not provide a single piece of evidence to support his allegation. Rightfully so, there has been a great deal of criticism of Mr. Trump for his clearly racist statements. The purpose of this post is not to pile on with more criticism of Mr. Trump. The purpose of this post is to focus on the issue that has been lost in all of this madness, the very real issue of bias by federal judges in this country, particularly the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and district courts within the circuit. It just so happens that Judge Curiel is assigned to a district court within the Ninth Circuit. I do not know anything about Judge Curiel or the lawsuit involving Trump University. It is also not my intent to imply that Judge Curiel is biased or corrupt. I only want to emphasize what has been the focus of this blog. Nearly all of my posts in this blog, which began in July 2015, have been devoted to corruption and bias in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court - San Jose Division relative to a lawsuit I filed against the City of San Jose. What pisses me off greatly is all of the high profile politicians that were so quick to come to the defense of Judge Curiel after Mr. Trump made his unfortunate comments. Yet, they have done absolutely nothing in defense of average citizens who have been the victim of bias and corruption at the hands of the lower federal courts. The list of those criticizing Mr. Trump include, VP Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren from the Democrat side; Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on the Republican side, just to name a few. However, the list is much longer than these four. I only mention them because they were the first to come to mind. But my point is that politicians, as well as pundits, that stood up in defense of Judge Curiel missed a great opportunity to address a real problem with our federal courts. This was not an oversight. This was intentional and political. It is no secret that there is corruption and cheating in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court in San Jose. Just as I stated in my prior posts, the courts in my case committed flagrant violations of the Constitution and several federal statutes. Politicians have turned a wilful blind eye to this issue rather than address it head-on and risk a total collapse of our judicial system. Americans ought to know that the politicians who were so quick to criticize Donald Trump have no courage to stand up for their basic rights or protect and uphold the Constitution as they sweared to do under oath. When it comes to complaints against judges, politicians run and hide behind the separation of powers doctrine and the need for an independent judiciary. While an independnet judiciary is necessary for government to function properly, it does not mean that judges have the right to base their rulings on their subjective feelings and not on the rule of law, just as many seem to be doing. Complaints I made to the FBI, the US Attorney's Office, the House Judiciary Committee, the California Attorney General's Office, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office and the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury relative to criminal misconduct by federal court officials and San Jose city officials during the litigation of my lawsuit have not resuled in an investigation, not even an interview, even though the evidence of misconduct is indisputable and overwhelming. In addition to this blog, you can view my facebook page listed below for more details.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Post 8/23

If you are a resident of San Jose California, you might know about the scandal involving some controversial tweets by San Jose police officer Phil White in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. Many activists and City officials interpret the tweets as threatening and perhaps racist. Officer White was fired from the police department after an uproar by several community members last July. Recently, Officer White was reinstated  as a result of arbitration. Of course, many in the local media have covered this matter. However, my post refers to two recent articles by a local Metro newspaper, San Jose Inside (SJI). Here are the links for the two articles so you can judge the matter for youself:

The purpose of this post is to address the hypocrisy of San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and San Jose Inside. They have been quick to condemn  Officer White for his tweets. They supported Officer White's firing, and they oppose his reinstatement. Yet, for the past five plus years, Mayor Liccardo and the San Jose City Council have refused to initiate an investigation into my discrimination complaints against the San Jose City Attorney's Office. SJI has refused to do a story on my case, even though I presented them with indisputable evidence of criminal misconduct by San Jose city officials and the federal courts. Here is a comment I posted in reply to SJI's article regarding Officer White's reinstatement. My comment was posted briefly but was removed. So far, I can't re-post it. Therefore, I am posting it here:


Mayor Liccardo coming out against Officer Phil White getting his job back is no surprise. It was predictable. All of this phony concern about White’s tweets is laughable. This is political grandstanding at its worst, apparently an attempt to show that the City does not tolerate bias and racism. Which is not true. Mayor Liccardo and the City Council have a lot more to worry about than those tweets by Officer White. They have their own issues with discrimination, as well as, public corruption. The NAACP and other community activists have every right to be critical of White’s tweets. But, it they are serious about issues related to discrimination against blacks/African Americans, I suggest that they ask the Mayor and City Council to respond publicly to the lawsuits I filed against the City for discrimination related to my disability retirement from the police department.  There has been a criminal cover-up of this matter by the Mayor and other top city officials, with help from the federal courts. It is quite clear that the City has a double standard when it comes to enforcing its policies relating to discrimination and the City’s Code of Ethics. Rank and file police officers are held to a higher standard than top city officials. Over the last five years, I filed numerous complaints with the top city officials against the San Jose City Attorney’s Office and three former police administrators for discrimination and criminal misconduct relative to a lawsuit I filed against the City. Not a single one of my complaints have been investigated, as is mandated by city policy. This scandal with the tweets by Officer White pales in comparison with the Bull Connor like manner in which I have been treated by Mayor Liccardo, the City Council and several other City officials. The mistreatment I endured was a flagrant violation of my constitutional rights, and was nothing more than a high-tech lynching. SJI and the rest of the local media lap dogs for the City should be ashamed for not reporting my story. Apparently they are okay with City officials discriminating against a black police officer. But any opportunity to disingenuously portray a police officer as being a racist or violating a person’s rights, they are all over it. So who is more unfit for their job, Officer White or Mayor Liccardo and the City Council? If you want to read about a real scandal, check out the following links:
A new lawsuit I recently filed against Mayor Liccardo, the City Council and the City of San Jose in US District Court has not yet been included in the above links. The case number is 15-cv-5729-EJD. You can look it up in PACER.
Fred Bates – retired sergeant, SJPD