Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Oversight Is Good Even If Politically Motivated

Post 28/29

The responses from many of the Republicans and Democrats in regards to that memo by the Republicans alleging FISA abuses by the FBI for their use of that stupid "Steele Dossier" were over the top. Some of the Republicans were saying that this scandal is worse than Watergate. Others likened the actions of the FBI to the KGB. The Democrats, on the other hand, initially complained that the memo was a threat to our national security and that it was damaging to the morale of the rank and file of the FBI that work so hard to keep us safe. Former VP Joe Biden chimed in on this scandal by blaming Trump for the memo. Mr. Biden had some harsh words for the President, calling him a "joke," stated that his attacks on the FBI are a disaster, and that they are a "full throated and unvarnished attack on the FBI." The former VP is by no means the only high profile current or former government official coming to the defense of the FBI. However, the responses by both sides were hyperbole in overdrive and politically motivated.

My response to the Republicans and Democrats' responses is my default position when it comes to politicians. They are nothing more than hypocrites, and they care nothing about you and me. Really folks! This is just a game of politics to them. No matters what happens, they will all be fine. When it comes to government misconduct, it is the common folks like you and me that always get hurt and ignored. Many of the same Republicans claiming to be so concerned about corruption in the FBI and DOJ have totally ignored my public corruption complaints against San Jose city officials and the federal courts. Many of the same Democrats that are so quick to defend the integrity of the FBI and DOJ are well aware of the FBI and DOJ's refusal to open an investigation into my public corruption complaints against the federal courts and San Jose city officials. See my most recent posts that expose these phonies.

Even though I believe the Republicans are motivated by politics, I have to side with them on this one because potential abuse of the FISA process is a legitimate concern of many Americans. I also believe that corruption at the top levels of the FBI and DOJ is also a possibility and an investigation or oversight of these institutions is needed. See my post on December 6, 2017 that supports my belief. However, the Republicans call for oversight of the FBI and DOJ in regards to potential FISA abuses do not go far enough. The oversight of the DOJ and FBI should also extend to the FISA court itself. No institution of the government should be exempt from oversight when it possess such immense power to spy on us and deprive us of our constitutional right to privacy. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely (Lord Acton). It's all about ACCOUNTABILITY! Something that is sorely lacking in government today. A prime example of this lack of accountability is the criminal misconduct mentioned above by San Jose city officials, officials with the US District Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals relative to the litigation of two lawsuits I filed against the City that is the subject of this blog. Accountability through oversight is a hallmark of our constitutional democracy. No one should dare question that fact. When you accept a job with the FBI, the DOJ and the federal courts, not only do you take an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution, you implicitly agree to have your conduct scrutinized by oversight in accordance with the checks and balances provision of the separation of powers doctrine. No democracy will thrive without some form of oversight of its institutions of government, particularly those officials that are unelected without direct accountability to the people they serve. This is in stark contrast with elected officials who are held accountable through the electoral process.

It was quite shocking and disappointing to see the Democrats and certain cable news channels oppose the release of the Republican memo. This apparent opposition to transparency, while shocking, is not what it seem. This is all about hatred for Donald Trump and a double standard. Any information that makes Trump look bad, they are for its release. Any information that might benefit Trump they oppose its release. We should look beyond the agendas of politicians and the media and recognize the importance of government oversight when it is reasonably warranted. In the instant case, it is clear that oversight is needed. It is a totalitarian state that function without government oversight, not a democracy like our own.