Friday, November 23, 2018

Senator Kamala Harris' KKK Moment

Post 42

You may have heard about Senator Kamala Harris' comments on Wednesday 11-14-18 comparing ICE to the KKK in a Senate hearing meant to determine if acting ICE Director Ronald Vitiello will become the agency's official director. Senator Harris said that in some communities there is the perception that ICE is a "domestic terrorist group" that uses "fear and intimidation" to target immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America based on their racial or ethnic background. I am somewhat surprised and disappointed that Senator Harris would make such a comparison between ICE and the KKK, an organization based on white supremacy. The KKK was clearly a terrorist organization with no legitimate law enforcement function. However, many local law enforcement officials in the South were members of the KKK. I am sure Senator Harris is aware that the KKK, in its early years after the Civil War, used fear and intimidation to discourage newly freed blacks in the South from participating in the political process by committing lynchings and other acts of violence. In the 1950's,1960's and 1970's the KKK used the same fear and intimidation tactics to discourage black participation in the Civil Rights Movement. I doubt very seriously Senator Harris believes ICE is a domestic terrorist organization with no legitimate law enforcement function. So far, I am not aware of any ICE agents that are accused of being white supremacists or being members of the KKK. I don't believe Senator Harris presented any objective evidence that ICE officials are trying to stop immigrants from voting or engaging in the political process. ICE is a federal agency. The KKK was mostly associated with local and state government officials.

I find Senator Harris' reference to the KKK to be somewhat hypocritical being that she has remained silent about the high tech lynching I suffered at the hands of San Jose city officials and officials with the US District Court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. I am black/African American. The flagrantly bigoted manner in which I was treated by San Jose city officials after I retired from the City's police force and how I was treated by the federal courts during litigation of two discrimination lawsuits I filed against the City is more similar to the operations of the KKK than ICE officials doing their constitutional mandated job of enforcing immigration laws. Senator Harris' reference to the KKK is nothing more than a shameful attempt to gain media attention in order to enhance her political ambitions. This entire blog has been devoted to the racist and criminal misconduct of San Jose city officials, the US District Court and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. My message for Senator Harris is that the high tech lynching I suffered is not a perception, it is a reality. In addition to this blog, you can find more details about this matter on my group facebook page at:

Below is a letter I sent to Senator Harrris:

Frederick Bates
                                                                                                            Folsom, CA 95630

August 7, 2017

Senator Kamala Harris
501 I Street, Suite 7-600
Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: Public Corruption Complaint

Dear Senator Harris,

            Enclosed are copies of letters and documents I sent to the Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice and FBI making a complaint of public corruption against several San Jose city officials, and officials with the US District Court for the Northern District of California – San Jose Division and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals relative to two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. It should be noted that when you were Attorney General, I sent you a letter in May 2014 requesting an investigation into public corruption by many of the same officials named in my current complaint. No investigation was completed.
            I respectfully request that you seek an investigation into my current public corruption complaint by the Department of Justice, the FBI, and Congress because public corruption undermines our institutions of government just as the meddling into our past presidential election by the Russians. Congress and several agencies of the government have gone to great lengths to ensure that future presidential elections are not marginalized by the interference of nations hostile to our democracy. Yet, there has been very little done to ensure Americans that they will have a level playing field when settling disputes with the government in our federal courts. It is undeniable that the US District Court and San Jose city officials conspired to obstruct justice in my two lawsuits by falsifying court records, by creating false documents, by staging a fake hearing on a Rule 60 motion I filed, and by creating a fraudulent transcript for that hearing. It is also undeniable that the courts failed to follow federal laws relating to issue preclusion and a stipulation of dismissal that places strict limitations on their discretion.
            The misconduct of San Jose city officials and the courts in my lawsuits represent one of the most egregious breaches of the public trust imaginable, as well as, a case of brazen and persistent cheating. These officials have made a conscious decision to place themselves above the law. I respectfully remind you that you retweeted  a tweet by Senator Blumenthal a few days ago directed to the President stating that “no one is above the law.” It is my hope that you take the same view concerning my public corruption complaint.

                                                                                                            Sincerely yours,

                                                                                                            Frederick Bates

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Midterm Elections - I Will Proudly Not Cast My Vote

Post 41

Now that the midterm elections are upon us, politicians in the Democratic and Republican parties are out begging for your vote. If you  have read any of my recent posts, you know that I have very little respect for our elected officials whether they be Republicans or Democrats. We are living in an era where I believe we have the most corrupt government officials, elected or appointed, perhaps in the history of this country, at every level of government. Folks that is no exaggeration. The focus of this blog is on the corruption of San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and the San Jose City Council, as well as, the US District Court in San Jose and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. But there is no doubt that corruption is pervasive throughout local, state and federal government.

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans care about you the American people. They only care about power. Once they get your vote and get elected, you no longer have any value to them until the next election cycle. Just as President Trump said during the 2016 campaign, they are all talk. Take for example Nancy Pelosi. She recently stated that the Democrats would pass an Equality Act to protect LGBT people from discrimination if the Democrats win the majority in the House. This is the same Nancy Pelosi that has refused to respond to my complaint letter that details a criminal cover-up of blatantly racist conduct against me by San Jose city officials and the federal courts. She's not the only elected official that has failed to respond to complaint letters I sent to them. There's Senators Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein and Lindsey Graham, Speaker Paul Ryan; House Members Bob Goodlatte, Zoe Lofgren and Adam Schiff.

Then there's former VP Joe Biden. He recently stated that he is sick and tired of the Trump Administration. Well Mr. Biden, I'm sick and tired of Democrats like you, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff and Zoe Lofgren calling Donald Trump a racist while doing nothing about the racist and bigoted conduct of San Jose's Democratic mayor Sam Liccardo and the San Jose City Council. Democrats care noting about racism when the guilty ones are Democrats. They use race as a wedge issue to drum up hate for the President and Republicans. The Democrats call the President uncivil and that he has treated the Office of the President with a lack of dignity. They never mention the uncivil, undignified and classless manner in which they acted during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.

The Republicans are no better than the Democrats. They acted with such indignation regarding the way Democrats treated Judge Kavanaugh. They whooped and hollered about due process being a bedrock of American jurisprudence; and that the Democrats dubious claim that they believed Dr. Ford without having a single fact or evidence to corroborate her sexual assault allegations against Judge Kavanaugh was contrary to our values as a nation and was a threat to democracy itself. I don't disagree with the Republicans position regarding Dr. Ford's allegations. However, I believe it to be all about politics. They were quick to defend Judge Kavanaugh's right to fair treatment and due process. But will they be so quick to defend the rights of average Americans? I think not.

What you have probably heard from both Democrats and Republicans is that these are the most important midterm elections in our lifetime and that everyone should go out and vote. I don't believe it. No matter what the outcome of the midterm elections, there is unlikely to be much of a change in this country. we will continue to have corrupt government officials at every level of government. Our elected officials in Congress will continue to provide inadequate oversight of our federal bureaucracies and the federal courts. Democracy will continue to be an illusion and not a reality. Democrats will continue to call the President a racist and claim to be champions of civil rights and equality. Republicans will continue to call Democrats resistors and claim to have strong support for the Constitution and the rule of law. Yet when both parties have been presented with indisputable facts and evidence of misconduct by San Jose city officials and the federal courts that runs counter to their principles, they have done absolutely nothing.

What I am trying to say is that both parties are lying to the American people. The only reason each party is so concerned about winning the midterm elections is power. Nothing else matters. Not your rights and not mine. Our national government and many of our state and local governments have no credibility because of public corruption. For this reason on Tuesday November 6, 2018 I will proudly abstain from casting my vote. For more details, read my prior posts and check out my group facebook page at: