Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Rebuke of Rep Steve King for His Comments about White Supremacy Reeks of a Double Standard by Congress

Post 46

Here's another example of our elected officials over reacting to a racially charged comment by another elected official. In this case, the elected official is Congressman Steve King. Congressman King has been in hot water before for making statements that were deemed racist or racially insensitive. King's latest misstep occurred sometime last week during an interview with a New York Times reporter. During that interview, King seem to support white supremacy by asking how the terms white nationalist, white supremacy and western civilization had become offensive language. There were no shortage of Democrats and Republicans expressing outrage over Congressman King's comments. Call me cynical, but this over the top negative reaction to King's comments by both Republicans and Democrats is driven by politics more than genuine concern about racism. Republicans are so afraid of being called racists that they were falling all over themselves in their efforts to condemn King. One Republican, Liz Cheney, called for King to resign. King's prior controversial comments about race were an extra motivating factor for Republicans' strong response to his unfortunate comments. On the other hand, Democrats are never the ones to pass up an opportunity to exploit a situation where they can paint a Republican as being racist. Even though they have to be bashed over the head (not literally) in order to condemn a member of their own party for actions similar to Congressman Steve King.
Here's where the double standard by Congress comes into play. As I stated earlier, Republicans and Democrats care very little about racism. While they have been quick to rebuke Congressman King for his stupid comments about race, Congress has engaged in a cover up of far more egregious racist conduct by officials with the City of San Jose, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court. The racist conduct by San Jose city officials occurred when I was denied a CCW (carrying a concealed weapon) permit and vocational rehabilitation training upon my medical disability retirement from the City's police force. City officials admitted that they had violated city policy and state law. They stated that information they received made it crystal clear that the initial decision to deny me a CCW permit was wrong. Yet, they denied me a CCW permit several more times without a hearing that is required by state law. The City's actions were bigoted and retaliatory because other officers that retired on medical disabilities contemporaneously with me were not denied their benefits. I am black/African American. Because of the City's bigoted and retaliatory conduct, I suffered monetary loss and emotional distress. Lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose for discrimination were summarily dismissed by the US District Court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals with the clear purpose of covering up the racism of the City. During litigation, the courts and the City conspired to commit several felonies that include subornation of perjury and perjury, obstruction of justice, fraud and bribery in order to facilitate the courts' biased rulings in favor of the City. I know that these allegations seem far-fetched, but they are the absolute truth. I have posted the evidence to corroborate my allegations at these two links:

The glaring double standard by Congress makes me feel nauseated. You have such a strong rebuke of Congressman King for his stupid and ignorant racial comments; even though he was only expressing an opinion, committed no crimes or violated anyone's rights. Whereas, San Jose city officials and federal court officials not only made racist decisions that violated several of my rights, but engaged in several crimes in order to cover up their misdeeds. Yet, there has been no investigation or condemnation of the actions by San Jose city officials and the courts by the following members of Congress I sent complaint letters:  Senators Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Representatives Zoe Lofgren, Adam Schiff, Ami Bera, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and former House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte. Most of these officials refused to extend me the courtesy of responding to my complaint letters.
Congress was clearly united in its rebuke of Congressman King. Congress is also united when it comes to covering up corruption and dysfunction of the federal courts which has caused irreparable harm to our democracy. For its failure to place any checks on the judicial branch of government, Congress as a body also deserves to be rebuked.

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