Wednesday, January 16, 2019

More Hypocrisy and Lies by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats

Post 45

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are up to their usual hypocrisy and lies. The hypocrisy and lies I'm referring to by Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats is in reference to the so called "For the People Act." The name alone should tell you this is a farce and another stunt by the Democrats to show up the President and the Republicans and hoodwink the American people. Just as the Republicans, Democrats care nothing about the American people. Everything is about power and politics. This government shutdown spectacle is proof of the disdain that Republicans and Democrats alike have for the people that put them in office. I said this same thing in a post during the last government shutdown. See my post on January 23, 2018. This shutdown is on President Trump. He should take ownership of it. However, the Democrats should share some of the blame as well.
Now back to this For the People Act by the Democrats. Speaker Pelosi explained that the purpose of the Act is to put power back in the hands of the people. She said that restoring the people's faith in government is the Democrats' agenda. The Act has been described as the Democrats' keeping their campaign promise to "fix our broken democracy." The Act calls for rules that would make voting easier, restrict the amount of campaign donations from the wealthy, and address government corruption. Making voting easier is a good thing. Campaign finance laws are a joke. They are complex and are never enforced equally. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats promise to fix our broken democracy and return power to the people is a noble goal. But it is sufficiently clear that this is all talk. Our democracy is broken because Republicans and Democrats refuse to work together to solve the problems facing our nation. Ineffective border security and a broken immigration system is at the top of the list. Also at the top of the list is our corrupt and dysfunctional judiciary, particularly the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. While there has been unending oversight and investigations of the President for possible Trump-Russia collusion, court challenges to almost all of his policies, and calls for his tax returns, there has been no oversight or investigation of the courts based on the many complaints of misconduct by judges and other court officials.
How can Speaker Pelosi make the claim that Democrats want to put power back in the hands of the people and restore people's faith in the government when she refuses to respond to my letter to her calling for an investigation into a case-fixing scheme by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the US District Court and the City of San Jose. This scheme occurred during the litigation of two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose for racial and disability discrimination. These officials committed several felonies that include subornation of perjury, perjury, obstruction of justice, fraud, and bribery with the intent to cover up racist treatment I received at the hands of San Jose city officials. Additionally, the courts made rulings in my lawsuits that clearly exceeded their discretion and violated several statutory laws and precedent. There is no chance that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want to fix our broken democracy because they have aligned themselves with the disastrous 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, because the 9th Circuit nearly always take the side of the Democrats in any court challenges to President Trump's policies.
What is clear is that this "For the People Act" should be re-titled  as the "For the Democrats Act;" because its sole purpose is to provide political benefits for the Democrats in the upcoming 2020 elections. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats know that there is only a snow ball's chance in hell that this politically driven Act will fix our broken democracy, put power back in the hands of the people or restore people's faith in government; because our broken democracy can not be fixed unless there is oversight of our corrupt judiciary just as there is oversight of the President.

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