Post 48
Many Democrats could not resist the temptation to attack the character of President Trump on MLK day. In a speech to the National Action Network in New York, Representative Hakeem Jeffries referred to Trump as the Grand Wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Jeffries made other inflammatory remarks as well. He stated that "Jim Crow" may be dead, but he has nieces and nephews that are alive and well. Jeffries made another statement that only partially represents what Dr. King taught us. He said that when faced with racial hatred, Dr. King taught us to deal directly with the problem. You don't run from it. Congressman Jeffries is right that Dr. King taught us to deal directly with discrimination resulting from racial hatred. Dr. King also taught us to love and forgive those that oppressed us and deprived us of our rights because of their racist views. Dr. King's teachings emphasized unity and not the inflammatory and divisive rhetoric of Congressman Jeffries.
Also attacking the President on MLK day was Senator Bernie Sanders. I know he identifies himself as an Independent, but when it comes down to it, he is a Democrat. Senator Sanders called the President a racist at an MLK day event in South Carolina.
One of the more surprising MLK day speeches in my opinion came from former VP Joe Biden. It also occurred at the event hosted by National Action Network. Biden stated that whites have failed to acknowledge that systematic racism still exists in America. He gave the example of two men with the same qualifications looking for a job, one named Jamal and one named Jim. If Jim gets the job then whites have to admit that there is systematic racism. This statement by Biden should be condemned because it over simplifies the problem of racial inequality. It should also be condemned because it is racial stereotyping. It assumes that men named Jamal are either black, or they are another minority. Whereas, all men named Jim are white. I am sure that Democrats and the media would have a field day if this type of racial stereotyping came from President Trump or a Republican.
VP Biden also attacked President Trump for his response to the incident in Charlottesville and suggested that the hate being spewed by the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists is facilitated by the actions of the President. Biden accused Trump of making a moral equivalence between the the violence of the white supremacists and the actions of the counter protestors. Biden also took exception to Trump for blaming both sides for the violence that occurred, and for saying that there were good people on both sides.
The former VP is as partisan as one can be. His words were motivated by politics meant to further the Democrats' agenda. It is unfortunate that he decided to turn what should have been a day to celebrate the great accomplishments of Dr. King into a day of Trump bashing based on his visceral hatred for the President. Biden, Jeffries and other Democrats are quick to say that Trump is the driving force behind the hatred of white supremacist groups while not acknowledging their own hatred for the commander-in-chief. Being that this was MLK day, let's take a look at what Dr. King had to say about how we should deal with hate groups such as the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Dr. King said that hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. This suggests that there is a moral equivalence between the the opposing groups at Charlottesville because it is clear from the violence coming from both sides that both groups hated each other. Dr. King said let no man pull you so low as to hate him. Dr. King said "There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies." This gives credence to Trump's assertion that there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville. Dr. King also preached that we should love our enemies because love has redemptive power that transforms individuals. Dr. King said "We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools. This is great advice from a great man that we should heed no matter what side of the political spectrum we are on.
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