Friday, May 10, 2019

Joe Biden Is Running A Shameful Campaign About Race

Post 52

Recently former Vice-President Joe Biden, a Democrat, entered the race for President. If you know anything about politics, you are aware that the former VP was a long time Senator from Delaware. I have no personal ill will toward Joe Biden. He seems like a nice enough guy. It is clear though that Biden's campaign will try to paint Trump as a racist and also focus on his character. When Biden released a video a few weeks ago announcing that he was running for president, he talked about Charlottesville and Trump's response to the violence that occurred. I have my own take of Trump's response to Charlottesville that's a little different from Joe Biden's. The President's response was appropriate being that he is the Commander-in-Chief. You can view my non-politically motivated take on how the President responded to Charlottesville in my post on September 18, 2017. Biden has also talked about bringing back honesty and dignity to the Office of the President.

Joe Biden is the quintessential politician, willing to say anything to get a vote. His candidacy is not about making this a better country. It is all about defeating Donald Trump at all costs. Biden has spent nearly fifty years in public office. He is far more responsible for the problems we face as a nation than Trump. But it's Biden's hypocrisy that concerns me the most. He talked about bringing dignity and honesty to the Oval Office. Where was all this concern for dignity when his fellow Democrat Bill Clinton was President. Has Biden forgot about the Monica Lewinsky affair and all of the other sexual misconduct allegations against Clinton. As for honesty, Biden apparently has forgotten "I did not have sex with that woman." What about the lies that were told about Obama Care when Biden was VP? If you want your doctor you can keep your doctor. Your insurance premiums will go down. And what about Benghazi? The violence was a spontaneous response to an anti-Islamic video. Biden referred to Trump as being a clown. Hasn't he taken notice of his own party since Trump has been in the White House? Who can forget the clownish manner of the Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings or during the recent testimony of Attorney General William Barr. You actually had a Democrat member of the House Judiciary Committee eating KFC during the hearing. He also had a fake chicken at a press conference. Now who are the real clowns? 

I do not offend easily. But it's the hypocrisy of Joe Biden and the Democrats regarding the issue of race that offends me more than the President and Democrats' clown like behavior. Referring to the President as the Grand Wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, the KKK, and a white supremacist for political gain trivializes one of the darkest moments in our nation's history. It is Biden latest comment during a political rally in South Carolina that has gotten me riled up. During that rally, Biden implied that because of Trump and the Republicans support of voter ID laws, "You've got Jim Crow sneaking back in." This is nonsense. Jim Crow was, among other things, about using intimidation and violence to prevent blacks from registering to vote, and from voting. Requiring a person to have proper ID in order to vote is just as sensible as requiring a person to have proper ID when purchasing a firearm. Biden and the Democrats should remember that it was their party that gave us Jim Crow, and not the Republicans. Democrats should also remember that many in their own party refused to support the 1964 Civil Rights Act that ended Jim Crow.

 If Biden wants to blame someone for Jim Crow sneaking back in, he need only to look at members of his own Democratic Party. During the past three years, I have written letters to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, Congressman Adam Schiff and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren requesting that they open an investigation into a criminal conspiracy between San Jose city officials and officials with the U.S. District Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to obstruct justice during the litigation of two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. During litigation, these officials conspired to falsify court records, file fraudulent documents, stage a fake hearing on a motion I filed, fabricate contradictory civil minutes and a transcript for that hearing, and enter several bogus judgments relative to my lawsuits for the purpose of covering up discrimination I suffered at the hands of San Jose city officials based on my race and disability. I am black/African American. Senator Feinstein was the only one that responded to my letter. But she offered no help at all. The conduct of these officials, which showed utter disregard for the rule of law, were so flagrantly discriminatory and racist that I was compelled to start this blog to expose this egregious abuse of power and public corruption. The clear purpose of these officials was to humiliate me, make me feel powerless, cause me financial harm and emotional distress. This is more like Jim Crow than requiring someone to have proper ID to vote. 

Joe Biden and the Democrats using race for purely political reasons is divisive and harmful to our country. They are quick to call Trump and Republicans racist, the KKK, white supremacists, and that Jim Crow is sneaking back in.  Yet, when presented with a very real case of a black person's rights being violated like this was Jim Crow, they refuse to take any action whatsoever; even in a case where there was serious criminal misconduct. It should be clear that Democrats are not serious about eliminating racism and discrimination, and that they are only using race to gin up hatred for Trump and Republicans. What a shame.  


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