Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Democrats' Rhetoric Dishonors MLK's Legacy

Post 48

Many Democrats could not resist the temptation to attack the character of President Trump on MLK day. In a speech to the National Action Network in New York, Representative Hakeem Jeffries referred to Trump as the Grand Wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Jeffries made other inflammatory remarks as well. He stated that "Jim Crow" may be dead, but he has nieces and nephews that are alive and well. Jeffries made another statement that only partially represents what Dr. King taught us. He said that when faced with racial hatred, Dr. King taught us to deal directly with the problem. You don't run from it. Congressman Jeffries is right that Dr. King taught us to deal directly with discrimination resulting from racial hatred. Dr. King also taught us to love and forgive those that oppressed us and deprived us of our rights because of their racist views. Dr. King's teachings emphasized unity and not the inflammatory and divisive rhetoric of Congressman Jeffries.
Also attacking the President on MLK day was Senator Bernie Sanders. I know he identifies himself as an Independent, but when it comes down to it, he is a Democrat. Senator Sanders called the President a racist at an MLK day event in South Carolina.
One of the more surprising MLK day speeches in my opinion came from former VP Joe Biden. It also occurred at the event hosted by National Action Network. Biden stated that whites have failed to acknowledge that systematic racism still exists in America. He gave the example of two men with the same qualifications looking for a job, one named Jamal and one named Jim. If Jim gets the job then whites have to admit that there is systematic racism. This statement by Biden should be condemned because it over simplifies the problem of racial inequality. It should also be condemned because it is racial stereotyping. It assumes that men named Jamal are either black, or they are another minority. Whereas, all men named Jim are white. I am sure that Democrats and the media would have a field day if this type of racial stereotyping came from President Trump or a Republican.
VP Biden also attacked President Trump for his response to the incident in Charlottesville and suggested that the hate being spewed by the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists is facilitated by the actions of the President. Biden accused Trump of making a moral equivalence between the the violence of the white supremacists and the actions of the counter protestors. Biden also took exception to Trump for blaming both sides for the violence that occurred, and for saying that there were good people on both sides.
The former VP is as partisan as one can be. His words were motivated by politics meant to further the Democrats' agenda. It is unfortunate that he decided to turn what should have been a day to celebrate the great accomplishments of Dr. King into a day of Trump bashing based on his visceral hatred for the President. Biden, Jeffries and other Democrats are quick to say that Trump is the driving force behind the hatred of white supremacist groups while not acknowledging their own hatred for the commander-in-chief. Being that this was MLK day, let's take a look at what Dr. King had to say about how we should deal with hate groups such as the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Dr. King said that hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. This suggests that there is a moral equivalence between the the opposing groups at Charlottesville because it is clear from the violence coming from both sides that both groups hated each other. Dr. King said let no man pull you so low as to hate him. Dr. King said "There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies." This gives credence to Trump's assertion that there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville. Dr. King also preached that we should love our enemies because love has redemptive power that transforms individuals. Dr. King said "We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools. This is great advice from a great man that we should heed no matter what side of the political spectrum we are on.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Democrats' Two Different Approaches to Subornation of Perjury

Post 47

The Democrats' response to the BuzzFeed report that President Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, told investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller that Trump had directed him to lie to Congress about building a skyscraper in Moscow while Trump was running for president is evidence that the President is held to a different standard than other elected officials. The BuzzFeed report cites two unnamed law enforcement sources that claims Trump's direction to Cohen to lie was found in emails, witness statements, text messages and other documents. However, none of this evidence was seen by BuzzFeed reporters. Democrats were quick to pounce on BuzzFeed's report and stated that investigations would be forthcoming in order to verify if Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said he would look into the matter. Nadler said that directing a subordinate to lie to Congress is a federal crime.
Democrat Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said that the allegation that Trump directed Cohen to lie under oath is one of the most serious to date. Schiff went on to state that Democrats would do whatever is necessary to find out the truth. Telling someone to lie under oath is a crime known as subornation of perjury, and it also raises questions as to conspiracy and obstruction of justice. Adam Schiff and the Democrats' quick response to call for an investigation of the President for subornation of perjury and possible obstruction of justice based on the uncorroborated claims in the BuzzFeed report is jumping the gun. It differs dramatically from the lack of a response to letters I sent to Democratic lawmakers alleging that San Jose city officials and federal court officials committed several public corruption crimes during the litigation of two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose. Two of the crimes I allege are subornation of perjury and obstruction of justice, the same crimes the President is alleged to have committed. Democrats' quick response to the BuzzFeed report calling for an investigation of the President for suborning perjury and obstruction of justice, while at the same time covering up the same crimes committed by San Jose city officials and the courts, suggests that any investigation of the President is politically motivated. It should be noted that the BuzzFeed report has been discredited by the Special Counsel's office. Details of my allegations against San Jose city officials and the courts can be found in my prior posts and my group facebook page at: 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Rebuke of Rep Steve King for His Comments about White Supremacy Reeks of a Double Standard by Congress

Post 46

Here's another example of our elected officials over reacting to a racially charged comment by another elected official. In this case, the elected official is Congressman Steve King. Congressman King has been in hot water before for making statements that were deemed racist or racially insensitive. King's latest misstep occurred sometime last week during an interview with a New York Times reporter. During that interview, King seem to support white supremacy by asking how the terms white nationalist, white supremacy and western civilization had become offensive language. There were no shortage of Democrats and Republicans expressing outrage over Congressman King's comments. Call me cynical, but this over the top negative reaction to King's comments by both Republicans and Democrats is driven by politics more than genuine concern about racism. Republicans are so afraid of being called racists that they were falling all over themselves in their efforts to condemn King. One Republican, Liz Cheney, called for King to resign. King's prior controversial comments about race were an extra motivating factor for Republicans' strong response to his unfortunate comments. On the other hand, Democrats are never the ones to pass up an opportunity to exploit a situation where they can paint a Republican as being racist. Even though they have to be bashed over the head (not literally) in order to condemn a member of their own party for actions similar to Congressman Steve King.
Here's where the double standard by Congress comes into play. As I stated earlier, Republicans and Democrats care very little about racism. While they have been quick to rebuke Congressman King for his stupid comments about race, Congress has engaged in a cover up of far more egregious racist conduct by officials with the City of San Jose, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court. The racist conduct by San Jose city officials occurred when I was denied a CCW (carrying a concealed weapon) permit and vocational rehabilitation training upon my medical disability retirement from the City's police force. City officials admitted that they had violated city policy and state law. They stated that information they received made it crystal clear that the initial decision to deny me a CCW permit was wrong. Yet, they denied me a CCW permit several more times without a hearing that is required by state law. The City's actions were bigoted and retaliatory because other officers that retired on medical disabilities contemporaneously with me were not denied their benefits. I am black/African American. Because of the City's bigoted and retaliatory conduct, I suffered monetary loss and emotional distress. Lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose for discrimination were summarily dismissed by the US District Court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals with the clear purpose of covering up the racism of the City. During litigation, the courts and the City conspired to commit several felonies that include subornation of perjury and perjury, obstruction of justice, fraud and bribery in order to facilitate the courts' biased rulings in favor of the City. I know that these allegations seem far-fetched, but they are the absolute truth. I have posted the evidence to corroborate my allegations at these two links:

The glaring double standard by Congress makes me feel nauseated. You have such a strong rebuke of Congressman King for his stupid and ignorant racial comments; even though he was only expressing an opinion, committed no crimes or violated anyone's rights. Whereas, San Jose city officials and federal court officials not only made racist decisions that violated several of my rights, but engaged in several crimes in order to cover up their misdeeds. Yet, there has been no investigation or condemnation of the actions by San Jose city officials and the courts by the following members of Congress I sent complaint letters:  Senators Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Representatives Zoe Lofgren, Adam Schiff, Ami Bera, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and former House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte. Most of these officials refused to extend me the courtesy of responding to my complaint letters.
Congress was clearly united in its rebuke of Congressman King. Congress is also united when it comes to covering up corruption and dysfunction of the federal courts which has caused irreparable harm to our democracy. For its failure to place any checks on the judicial branch of government, Congress as a body also deserves to be rebuked.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

More Hypocrisy and Lies by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats

Post 45

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are up to their usual hypocrisy and lies. The hypocrisy and lies I'm referring to by Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats is in reference to the so called "For the People Act." The name alone should tell you this is a farce and another stunt by the Democrats to show up the President and the Republicans and hoodwink the American people. Just as the Republicans, Democrats care nothing about the American people. Everything is about power and politics. This government shutdown spectacle is proof of the disdain that Republicans and Democrats alike have for the people that put them in office. I said this same thing in a post during the last government shutdown. See my post on January 23, 2018. This shutdown is on President Trump. He should take ownership of it. However, the Democrats should share some of the blame as well.
Now back to this For the People Act by the Democrats. Speaker Pelosi explained that the purpose of the Act is to put power back in the hands of the people. She said that restoring the people's faith in government is the Democrats' agenda. The Act has been described as the Democrats' keeping their campaign promise to "fix our broken democracy." The Act calls for rules that would make voting easier, restrict the amount of campaign donations from the wealthy, and address government corruption. Making voting easier is a good thing. Campaign finance laws are a joke. They are complex and are never enforced equally. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats promise to fix our broken democracy and return power to the people is a noble goal. But it is sufficiently clear that this is all talk. Our democracy is broken because Republicans and Democrats refuse to work together to solve the problems facing our nation. Ineffective border security and a broken immigration system is at the top of the list. Also at the top of the list is our corrupt and dysfunctional judiciary, particularly the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. While there has been unending oversight and investigations of the President for possible Trump-Russia collusion, court challenges to almost all of his policies, and calls for his tax returns, there has been no oversight or investigation of the courts based on the many complaints of misconduct by judges and other court officials.
How can Speaker Pelosi make the claim that Democrats want to put power back in the hands of the people and restore people's faith in the government when she refuses to respond to my letter to her calling for an investigation into a case-fixing scheme by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the US District Court and the City of San Jose. This scheme occurred during the litigation of two lawsuits I filed against the City of San Jose for racial and disability discrimination. These officials committed several felonies that include subornation of perjury, perjury, obstruction of justice, fraud, and bribery with the intent to cover up racist treatment I received at the hands of San Jose city officials. Additionally, the courts made rulings in my lawsuits that clearly exceeded their discretion and violated several statutory laws and precedent. There is no chance that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want to fix our broken democracy because they have aligned themselves with the disastrous 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, because the 9th Circuit nearly always take the side of the Democrats in any court challenges to President Trump's policies.
What is clear is that this "For the People Act" should be re-titled  as the "For the Democrats Act;" because its sole purpose is to provide political benefits for the Democrats in the upcoming 2020 elections. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats know that there is only a snow ball's chance in hell that this politically driven Act will fix our broken democracy, put power back in the hands of the people or restore people's faith in government; because our broken democracy can not be fixed unless there is oversight of our corrupt judiciary just as there is oversight of the President.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Is Not The Best Person To Lecture Us On What's Immoral

Post 44

A few days ago Nancy Pelosi, the new Speaker of the House, stated in a press conference that a border wall was immoral and implied that a border wall was un-American, saying this is not who we are as Americans. Nancy Pelosi has no moral authority to be lecturing anyone about morality. Let me refer you back to my post on August 18, 2018 titled "Sick and Tired of Hypocrites Like Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi." In that post, I pointed out that Speaker Pelosi and several other Democratic members of Congress were quick to call President Trump and Republicans racists while refusing to call for an investigation into my allegations that San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and the San Jose City Council, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court had committed several bigoted and racist acts against me during litigation of two lawsuits I filed against the City of San of Jose. I am black/African American.
No one should be fooled by this ridiculous claim by the new Speaker of the House that a border wall is immoral and that this is not what we are about as Americans. Walls and fences are precisely what we are about as Americans. We have wall and fences everywhere. Walls and fences play a major role in keeping us secure in our homes, schools, businesses and our everyday life. It has been reported that Nancy Pelosi has walls securing her properties. Speaker Pelosi's resistance to a border wall is all about politics and hatred for President Trump.
A border wall is not immoral. In many places on the border, physical barriers are a necessity. It is Nancy Pelosi and Democrats who are immoral for refusing to take action based on indisputable evidence they received that San Jose city officials and officials with the US District Court and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals conspired to commit several felonies during litigation of my two lawsuits against the City of San Jose. It's immoral to watch the high-tech lynching of a black man and do absolutely nothing to stop it, which is precisely what Pelosi, Senators Harris and Feinstein, Representatives Adam Schiff and Zoe Lofgren have done. Covering up racism and bigotry is about as immoral as one can be. Speaker Pelosi and Democrats should also be reminded of the following:
It is immoral for Congress to fail in its constitutional obligation to place a check on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Court based on the courts' corrupt and criminal case-fixing scams that totally discredit our judicial system while at the same time placing burdensome and retaliatory oversight over the President that hinder him from doing the job he was elected to do. Don't get me wrong. Checks on the President's power is necessary. But when it's retaliatory and based on hate, it is immoral and undermines our government based on separation of powers; where each branch of government is required to show proper respect for each other.
It is immoral to provide sanctuary for those who enter our country illegally, while refusing to protect my rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution, statutory law, case law and city policies.
It is immoral for state and local officials to undermine the enforcement of our immigration laws by refusing to cooperate with federal authorities when enforcing immigration laws that were passed by a duly elected Congress.
It is immoral and dangerous for our democracy to say that a person should be believed solely based on their gender with absolutely no facts or evidence to corroborate their allegations. This is reminiscent of Jim Crow, when whites were believed over blacks solely on the basis of race. It is more egregious when the uncorroborated allegations are used to destroy a person's political career and reputation a la Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh. Remember, what comes around goes around.
It is immoral for a nation to have 11 million to 22 million undocumented immigrants and to do nothing to fix its immigration problem.
Constructing a wall/fence or some other physical barrier is necessary as part of a comprehensive border security strategy. Speaker Pelosi should realize that a border wall is not immoral. She should realize that she and many of the Democrats' policies, not only relating to immigration, but others as noted above, are immoral and are not what we are about as Americans. Additional evidence about my lawsuits against the City of San Jose can be found on my group facebook page at: